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sine ocean
by eli.fieldsteel on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase
The Collatz Scale
by henklass on 08 Jan'14 14:37 inSome time ago a did a thing on a series of numbers, that, as I learned later, was officially called the Collatz problem and it can be found on the Onl
Sampling Demo with QuNeo - Patch 1
by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:25 inEach QuNeo pad triggers a different sound file. Horizontal axis controls pitch bend (off by default). Play/Stop buttons control looping. Allows use of
Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 4
by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:35 inMultislider interface to control up to 16 inharmonic partials of a timbre. Two modes of play: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as
Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 2
by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:29 inMultislider interface to control 32 partials of a harmonic series. Two modes of playing: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as you
example sequencing soundfiles
by Fredrik Olofsson on 14 May'13 22:17 insimple example showing how to play one soundfile after the other in a sequence. use as a template.
example fft sc->processing
by Fredrik Olofsson on 30 Apr'13 18:04 intemplate code for sending lots of data (1024 fft values 61 times per second) from sc to processing. sound function from an old sc-tweet. updated to
by bateslewis on 24 Feb'13 17:32 inpattern based granulizer using Pspawn - a work in progress
The quest for the prime numbers
by henklass on 11 Feb'13 17:59 inThe search for prime numbers from 1 to 100 is represented by sound. Channel 1: the numbers, channel 0: the divisors. In the center: a fm-sound with a
by bateslewis on 06 Feb'13 12:47 inCloudGenMini for use with samples
reception: grains (1)resynthesis (1)advanced (1)gui interface (1)preset save (1)4 synthdefs to choose from (1)redo_minimalish sketch
by Fredrik Olofsson on 23 Dec'12 23:48 intook five of my own tweets and played them at the same time.
reception: educational (1)trance (1)SC Tweets collection
by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 inSC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012
Granular display
by tommaisey on 15 Oct'12 04:13 inMy first post to sccode! A display which visualises a granularised sound file. Each grain is represented by a dot which moves across the waveform of t
reception: educational (1)gui (2)nice (1)impressive (1)cool (1)granular (2)Confetti2X
by henk.lasschuit on 10 Oct'12 23:53 inAs Confetti2: in which you heard only one oscillator at the time. In SuperCollider it is easy to use 100 oscillators at the sa
pattern morphing
by grirgz on 27 Jul'12 05:18 inA pattern which do morphing between two event pattern (cross-fading synth arguments)
reception: cool (1)morphing (1)risset bells
by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 May'12 11:27 inan exact port of a pd (pure-data) example patch.
reception: natural (1)nice (2)Confetti2
by Henk Lasschuit on 03 Apr'12 23:14 inConfetti2 is an old project that I wrote for my first toy computer, the Aquarius by Mattel. I liked the sound of it so much, that I rewrote it for eve
reception: greetings from maryanne amacher (1)