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Simple pattern-based beat slicer

by david_morgan on 24 Jan'16 22:00 in beat slicer

Revised: Made some improvements from previous submission. I hadn't really come across a simple self-contained example to use with patterns. Yo

Algorithmic Beats

by rumush on 04 Jan'16 21:19 in beats algorithm composition

A short experiment I did with Pdefs and Pwrand to make a trance-like track focuses on ever-chaning rhythms. I'll post an updated version tomorrow.

Performance Unit - Buffers (part 2)

by rumush on 22 Dec'15 21:20 in noise

A draft of performance setup I started working on some time ago. For now I've got simple MIDI controls and buffers that you can granularize. You can r

Pi sonification

by grirgz on 14 Nov'15 19:07 in code fork

It take groups of 10 decimals from Pi and use each number as an index in arrays of patterns. If you are bored by pi, you can try other numbers

random patterns

by grirgz on 11 Nov'15 19:12 in

this generate very diverse compositions, tweaking is easy and change a lot the sounds generated, adding better synthdef can improve further the sound.

Chaos Glitch SynthDef

by rumush on 14 Oct'15 17:51 in noise fm glitch experimental chaos

Another glitch SynthDef with a simple pattern to play it. You can achieve variety of textures with it. From simple tones to noise and wicked basses. H

Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef

by rumush on 09 Oct'15 21:27 in pattern glitch experimental random

It is a simple SynthDef I made after having a look at Hasher UGen with a pattern to play it. It creates nice and varied glitch sounds.


by dilots on 04 Oct'15 19:57 in games game pong phrygian

A basic implementation of pong.

DWG sitar model

by snappizz on 22 Sep'15 22:02 in guitar instrument physical model plucked strings pluck sitar

guhhh, lots of complication for not that much payoff. please fork if you have some ideas for how to improve this

Modulation sequencing

by grirgz on 01 Sep'15 22:24 in pattern modulation sequencer

Two simple ways to set a different modulation per step in a pattern

Grain Freeze

by patrickryanmcminn on 21 Jul'15 18:43 in effect drone granular

SynthDef for capturing and holding incoming audio as a drone

Radial loudness meter

by snappizz on 08 Jun'15 00:25 in amplitude graphic visualization loudness

Short-time loudness is represented by an outer arc, and long-term loudness is represented with a circular graph showing the loudness over the last 60s

Modanung - Return of the King

by Modanung on 05 Jun'15 00:47 in guitar code fork plucked strings

The final version had a preverb added to it in Audacity. It can be found here:

Bugger Soundtrack

by Modanung on 03 Jun'15 23:33 in guitar code fork plucked strings

This will be the sound track for Bugger, a Frogger clone that started as a school assignment. Simple SynthDef using Pluck, and a few Pbinds. Bugg

reception: great plucking instrument (1)

No Quarter pluck synth bass sound

by wondersluyter on 17 May'15 00:41 in bass synth pluck

In response to Listen at

Confetti3aX, John Conway's Game of Life; fast, Xenakis-inspired version

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:48 in graphic random xenakis conways game of life

John Conway's Game of Life, Xenakis-inspired version with lots of synths switched on by live cells. The slow, 1-bit-music version can be found at htt

Confetti 3a: Game of Life

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:38 in random graphics 1bit music conways game of life

It is relatively simple to convert Confetti3 ( )to John Conway's Game of Life. You just need to change the rules and make sure

Confetti 3

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:33 in random graphics 1bit music

Confetti 3 converts random patterns of blocks to more or less structured images. Every block will adapt to the predominant color in its surroundings,

Detuned Synth Pad

by coreyker on 13 May'15 22:56 in synth pad sound design

A SuperCollider implementation of the synth sound described here: ""

Graphic illustration of granular time-stretching

by jamshark70 on 26 Apr'15 09:39 in granular synthesis techniques pedagogy

Graphically represents a small set of granular windows, with variable offset. Move the "ratio" slider, and you can see and hear time stretching.

reception: graphics instructional (1)