«Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef» by rumush
on 09 Oct'15 21:27 inIt is a simple SynthDef I made after having a look at Hasher UGen with a pattern to play it. It creates nice and varied glitch sounds.
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// For more SynthDefs and examples please head to: https://mycelialcordsblog.wordpress.com/ ( SynthDef(\hasherTest, { arg rate = 1, freq = 60, index = 1000, tRate = 100, out = 0, fRate = 0.1; var t_trig = LFPulse.kr(0.5/fRate, 0.5); var random = LFNoise0.ar(rate, add:1); var noise = Hasher.ar(random); var sound = Saw.ar((freq+(noise*index)), Decay.kr(Impulse.kr(tRate), noise*0.001)).tanh; sound = Pan2.ar(sound, noise-0.3*2); FreeSelf.kr(t_trig); Out.ar(out, sound); }).store; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \hasherTest, \dur, 5, \rate, Pfuncn({100.rand}, inf), \freq, Pfuncn({10000.rand}, inf), \index, Pfuncn({20000.rand}, inf), \tRate, Pfuncn({1000.rand}, inf), \fRate, 5, ).play; )
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