«Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 2» by Bruno Ruviaro
on 09 Sep'13 04:29 inMultislider interface to control 32 partials of a harmonic series. Two modes of playing: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as you change the spectrum. "Percussive Tone" - you can play single percussive tones triggered with the 'perc' button, and control attack and decay values of these notes.
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// ************************************ // Additive Synthesis Demo (GUI) // Patch 2 - Harmonic Series with Multislider // Bruno Ruviaro, 2013-07-23 // ************************************ /* Multislider interface to control 32 partials of a harmonic series. Two modes of playing: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as you change the spectrum. "Percussive Tone" - you can play single percussive tones triggered with the 'perc' button, and control attack and decay values of these notes. How to start: select all (ctrl + A), then evaluate (ctrl + enter). Click and drag on the white rectangle to draw the spectrum. */ s.waitForBoot({ var spectrum, numharm, fundamental, win, continuousOut, percussiveOut, multiSlider, volumeSlider, modeButton, singleNoteButton, attackSlider, releaseSlider, subwin, singleNoteRoutine, att = 0.01, rel = 2, ampBus, sndBus; numharm = 32; fundamental = 110; ampBus = Bus.control(s); ampBus.value = 0.1; sndBus = Bus.audio(s, 2); // Main window Window.closeAll; win = Window.new("Additive Synthesis", Rect(400, 30, 590, 670)); win.view.decorator = FlowLayout(win.view.bounds, 20@20, 20@20); win.onClose = {s.freeAll; "Done!".postln; "".postln}; CmdPeriod.doOnce({win.close}); win.front; // Multislider multiSlider = MultiSliderView(win, Rect(0, 0, 550, 300)); multiSlider.value = Array.fill(numharm, {0.0}); multiSlider.isFilled = true; multiSlider.indexThumbSize = 13.0; multiSlider.gap = 4; /*multiSlider.action = {multiSlider.value.do({arg value, count; spectrum[count].set(\amp, value); [value, count].postln})};*/ multiSlider.action = {arg multi; var index = multi.index; var value = multi.currentvalue; spectrum[index].set(\amp, value); [index, value.round(0.01)].postln}; // Volume slider volumeSlider = EZSlider( parent: win, bounds: 560 @ 60, label: "VOLUME", controlSpec: ControlSpec(1, 100, \lin, 1, 10, "%"), action: {|ez| ampBus.set(ez.value/100)}, initVal: 10, unitWidth: 30) .setColors( stringColor: Color.black, sliderBackground: Color.grey(0.9), numNormalColor: Color.black); // Mode button (toggle between continuous and percussive) modeButton = Button(win, 550 @110); modeButton.states = [ ["CONTINUOUS TONE (click here to switch to percussive mode)", Color.black, Color.new255(255, 255, 114)], ["PERCUSSIVE TONE (click here to switch to continuous mode)", Color.black, Color.new255(255, 204, 194)] ]; modeButton.action = {arg state; if(state.value==0, { volumeSlider.valueAction = 10; continuousOut.set(\gate, 1); "CONTINUOUS MODE ON".postln; singleNoteButton.states = [["perc"]]; subwin.background = Color.grey(0.6, 0); }, { continuousOut.set(\gate, 0); "PERCUSSIVE MODE ON - click on perc button".postln; singleNoteButton.states = [["perc", Color.black, Color.new255(255, 204, 194)]]; subwin.background = Color.grey(0.6, 1); } )}; // CompositeView (sub window) subwin = CompositeView(win, 550@100); subwin.background = Color.grey(0.6, 0); // Button for triggering single percussive note singleNoteButton = Button(subwin, Rect(10, 10, 70, 80)); singleNoteButton.states = [["perc"]]; singleNoteButton.action = { if(modeButton.value==1, { percussiveOut = Synth("percussiveOut", [\inbus, sndBus, \att, att, \rel, rel, \amp, ampBus.asMap], addAction: \addToTail); "bang!".postln}); }; // Attack and Release controls for percussive notes attackSlider = EZSlider( parent: subwin, bounds: Rect(left: 80, top: 15, width: 460, height: 30), label: "Attack", controlSpec: ControlSpec(0.01, 4.0, \exp, 0.001, 0.1, "sec"), action: {|ez| att = ez.value}, initVal: 0.01, unitWidth: 30) .setColors( stringColor: Color.black, sliderBackground: Color.grey(0.7), numNormalColor: Color.black); releaseSlider = EZSlider( parent: subwin, bounds: Rect(80, 55, 460, 30), label: "Release", controlSpec: ControlSpec(0.3, 5, \exp, 0.01, 2, "sec"), action: {|ez| rel = ez.value}, initVal: 2, unitWidth: 30) .setColors( stringColor: Color.black, sliderBackground: Color.grey(0.7), numNormalColor: Color.black); // Routine to add SynthDefs, wait for Server reply, then start Synths { SynthDef("additive-multislider", { arg outbus, freq = 440, amp = 0.01; var snd = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, Lag.kr(amp, 3)); Out.ar(outbus, snd!2); }).add; SynthDef("continuousOut", { arg inbus, amp = 0.1, gate = 1, att = 0.1, sus = 1, rel = 1; var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(att, sus, rel), gate); Out.ar(0, In.ar(inbus, 2) * amp * env * 0.05); }).add; SynthDef("percussiveOut", { arg inbus, amp = 0.1, att = 0.01, rel = 2; var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(att, rel), doneAction: 2); Out.ar(0, In.ar(inbus, 2) * amp * env * 0.05); }).add; // Wait for SynthDefs to be added... s.sync; // Now call the Synths: spectrum = Array.fill(numharm, {arg i; Synth("additive-multislider", [\freq, fundamental * (i+1), \amp, 0.0, \outbus, sndBus])}); continuousOut = Synth("continuousOut", [\inbus, sndBus, \amp, ampBus.asMap], addAction: \addToTail); }.fork; s.meter; "Additive Synthesis Demo 2".postln; "".postln; }); // end of block.