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switched off bach

by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:41 in bach cheesy baroque

A rip off of «Beatboxing and Bach» by aahrens, whitout the drums plus some cheesy synths.

Dirty Sound Maker

by Dindoléon on 29 Jan'20 15:07 in ambient drone gui software

Simple GUI to produce dirty ambient drones, based on the 'Mini' concept ( see ). Really simple to use. Displayed words aren't

reception: vraiment excellent merci (1)

Judges by Michael Noonan

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 19:56 in composition musc115

"Judges" by Michael Noonan. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.


by nicolaariutti on 19 Oct'19 23:18 in orchestra cello

making some experiments I came out with this sound which resambles a cello to me. Let me know in the comments below what do you think about it. Plea

blippoo Box

by olaf on 23 May'19 23:26 in chaos blippoo box shift register imitation

This is a implementation of the blippoo box as it is documented in the article "The Blippoo Box: A Chaotic Electronic Music Instrument, Bent by Design

Mad Traffic

by mr_rebop on 23 Jan'19 14:35 in ambient fx art bzbuzz hacknoise bzakirasantjago snowcrashproject

"It's the lack of eye contact that makes us more idiots, to the point that convertible riders give less to escalation. Closed in the car, explain the


by Roberto Arletti on 06 Jan'19 13:00 in

IDMish modified. It is inspirated from the work of xffff.

by jerome.lapuyade.lahorgue on 18 Dec'18 13:57 in idm microrhythms micromelodies

This patch uses a SynthDef with Demand and triggered Ugens inside. The advantage of this rather using Pbind is the ability to play very speed rhythms


by unknown on 14 Aug'18 01:57 in percussion drums organ synthdef piano tradicional instrumens woodwind brass

SynthDEFaults - A Collection of Tradicional SynthDefs- //under GNU GPL 3 as per SuperCollider license //Organized by Zé Craum //This is the firs

Panola - pattern notation language tutorial

by 56228375 on 11 May'18 23:03 in pattern tutorial panola notation

tutorial for the panola pattern notation language

reception: excellent (1)oh this is great (1)

Filter Explorer @ 1000 Hz of the Cutoff Frequency (Centre Frequency)

by prko on 22 Apr'18 01:44 in filters

Special Thanks to Russell Johnston who gave an excellent solution to MouseLeaveAction issue via the sc-users list! Thanks to Fredrik Olofsson who men

Quneo Additive synth with modulation and filters.

by blueprint on 20 Mar'18 22:55 in synth quneo

This is an additive synth using a sinOscFb with an lfo and an RLPF ... it's desiqned for the quneo controller. The pads control note and velocity a


by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 16 Mar'18 13:19 in simple patterns generative algorithmic selfstep

a simple self-playing piece with generative patterning

generative melody

by david_morgan on 09 Feb'18 23:26 in generative

Teacher from The Peanuts

by gogo on 07 Feb'18 22:36 in funny voice

Don't know what's that lesson all about.

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