
blueprint's code
leaf - an lsystem composition
again, after building the l-system using A composition.
l-systems Pbindef
Also an homage to: but using l-systems to drive Pbindefs instead of Panolas. This is slightly easier to modify other factors (env, for instance) and specify freq instead of notes.
bytebeat homage
1// these are variations on // my variations are based on bytebeat stuff I did for the midiboy, arduino code // here // that thing draws pictures, too.
Weed, after P. Bourke
This is an homage to: which demonstrates the l-systems composition idea. I've used different synths and some of the l-systems I wrote for which lets you play with l-systems in the browser (and 3d).
Re: Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve
These are variations using lsystems I built for: I've only changed the LSystem itself, not the note selections or instruments.
Quneo Additive synth with modulation and filters.
1This is an additive synth using a sinOscFb with an lfo and an RLPF ... it's desiqned for the quneo controller. The pads control note and velocity as you would expect and the x/y controll modulation frequency and depth. Pad presssure controls the add factor of the modulation AND the resonace of the filter. Based on the code from Bruno Ruviaro, 2013-07-22 . This version does clean midi note handling and uses the lovely controls.
looping buffer granuals
This is a granular synth, much inspired by It's distinct in that the SynthDef loops in a live recording buffer with a slight delay and is added back to the input (on the bus) .... When I was starting I was looking for something like this ....
Stutter live looping buffer
The stutter tutorial really has it all. Just not with live audio :)
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