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XoX pattern helper

by gosub on 26 May'24 12:01 in pattern 303 808 xox

a simple helper function to write \dur patterns in a XoX style i.e. Pseq(~xox.("xxooxoxo") * 8/120, inf)


by LFSaw on 21 Jan'24 22:18 in piece fixedmedia

An 8-channel fixed-media piece arranged and composed Till Bovermann aka LFSaw for the 2011 edition of 4for8, Helsinki.


by smoge on 28 Sep'23 04:06 in

yet another tweet

by on 01 Sep'22 14:17 in tweet code 140

dirty and noisy "result" of remembering/learning sc again. still dont understand why it does not work when i move .ar/kr to var definition. hh... will

Twin Peak Filters

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:20 in filter formant hordijk twinpeak

Ndefs inspired by rob hordijk's twin peak filters, which can accomplish some formant-y fun

saturated, filtered, reverberated growl

by Luka P. on 09 Dec'21 13:25 in bass deep distortion saturation

test to use some distortion UGens from Mads' Ported Plugins and ended up with this tootin fatso.


by hamma on 02 Dec'21 18:41 in drone gui visuals graphics

a go at making something like metaphysical function from NI reaktor in SC original instrument design by mike daliot based on ScopeView helpfile

music for airports inspired generative music

by infinite digits on 01 Dec'21 18:32 in ambient drone piano eno

this is a infinite generative song based on Eno's Music for Airports. I realize this could be split up into different SynthDef's and sequenced with

SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost

by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in sctweet sctweets tweeter swiki

140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n

Chaos Machine

by dkam136 on 09 Dec'20 12:58 in chaos algorithmic

I've been building some tutorials for SuperCollider and just wanted to share this one I made on creating a Chaos Machine in SuperCollider. Full disclo

Eternal Elevator Ensemble

by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 in space patterns pads generative eternal music meditation majestic calm vastness

Legend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip

minor scale filtered pulsewave demands

by Luka P. on 22 Oct'20 14:46 in filtered scales demand ugens

I was playing around trying to understand how Demand UGens work and come up with this rave-ish example.

control patterns via control bus

by Luka P. on 02 Aug'20 21:01 in acid control busses pattern control

a learning example where you can control patterns with running ugens via control bus. acid-like.

reception: useful (1)

SCGAZER version 1.0

by kergener on 25 Apr'20 14:34 in emulation drone synth wavetable

SC recreation of Møffenzeef Mødular Stargazer drone synthesizer

reception: drone (1)synth (1)modular (1)

switched off bach

by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:41 in bach cheesy baroque

A rip off of «Beatboxing and Bach» by aahrens, whitout the drums plus some cheesy synths.

bass wobbles

by Luka P. on 24 Feb'20 19:11 in bass filter moog

couple of cycles of wobbling bass (as in 'dubstep-wobble'): Saw+Squarewave through a MoogVCF filter. synthDef is 'tempo-agnostic' and there will be pr

Dirty Sound Maker

by Dindoléon on 29 Jan'20 15:07 in ambient drone gui software

Simple GUI to produce dirty ambient drones, based on the 'Mini' concept ( see ). Really simple to use. Displayed words aren't

reception: vraiment excellent merci (1)

Judges by Michael Noonan

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 19:56 in composition musc115

"Judges" by Michael Noonan. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.

aurora borealis

by nicolaariutti on 27 Dec'18 14:50 in ambient atmosphere

Random synths selected from VarSaw, Pulse and WhiteNoise create a texture resambling brasses, woods and flutes. It reminds me Micheal Land "The Dig"

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