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Wavetable Synthesis Patterns

by eli.fieldsteel on 05 Jun'19 23:22 in rhythmic patterns endless dark synthesis pentatonic sequence minor wavetable wavetable synthesis futuristic dystopian

Some sketches with wavetable synthesis patterns developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 23 on YouTube:


by Scott L Simon on 18 Mar'19 12:46 in gui class synthesis

Experimental class - ambient cavern sounds (no effects yet). Class format is used here - needs to be saved as .sc file in the extensions and run with

Mad Traffic

by mr_rebop on 23 Jan'19 14:35 in ambient fx art bzbuzz hacknoise bzakirasantjago snowcrashproject

"It's the lack of eye contact that makes us more idiots, to the point that convertible riders give less to escalation. Closed in the car, explain the


by Roberto Arletti on 06 Jan'19 13:00 in


by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 in gui patterns synth

Another small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.

aurora borealis

by nicolaariutti on 27 Dec'18 14:50 in ambient atmosphere

Random synths selected from VarSaw, Pulse and WhiteNoise create a texture resambling brasses, woods and flutes. It reminds me Micheal Land "The Dig"

Wind Down: Track Creation Project

by pkirk on 29 Nov'18 22:41 in pspawner

Use of Synthdefs, Pbinds, and Pspawner to create a unique track. This track was create for Bruno Ruviaro's course in Experimental Sound Design.

Granular Sampling demo [no GUI]

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Nov'18 01:34 in granular sampling

PlayBuf, granular sampling, Pbind, fork, TGrains

SynthDEFaults - Patterns Examples

by unknown on 14 Aug'18 02:00 in percussion drums organ synthdef piano tradicional instrumens woodwind brass

Patterns examples using SynthDEFaults library

Rate Player

by joehigham on 30 Jul'18 18:40 in sampler piano player

This is a player that I use for live work. It takes piano samples (or anything else I guess) and plays them in a rhythmic way that is also based on ch


by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 16 Mar'18 13:19 in simple patterns generative algorithmic selfstep

a simple self-playing piece with generative patterning

looping buffer granuals

by blueprint on 15 Feb'18 11:47 in live loop grains granular

This is a granular synth, much inspired by It's distinct in that the SynthDef loops in a live recording buffer with a sligh

Spacey Synth example

by Bruno Ruviaro on 19 Jan'18 17:44 in pbind spacey ndef pbindef

Example reworked and extended from It outputs MONO as it was designed for SCLOrk

supercollider implementation of padsynth algorithm.

by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 12:22 in pattern pad padsynth

An implementation of Paul Nasca Octavian's excellent PadSynth algorithm in supercollider, driven from patterns. This code is accompanied by a blog art

FM7 Patch

by david_morgan on 06 Dec'17 16:46 in fm frequency modulation

Scoring a movie with supercollider

by 56228375 on 12 Aug'17 11:34 in osc synchronization movie timeline blender

This is the supercollider code used in the tutorial about creating a generative movie score with supercollider and blender. The tutorial itself is loc

forlorn brownian atmosphere

by david_morgan on 22 Jul'17 08:03 in generative

Requires sc3-plugins: DFM1, Greyhole, JPverb

When The Saints Come Crawling Out

by walters on 20 Jul'17 18:07 in percussive generative algorithmic

Submission for WESU algorithmic music show.

Eternal sunrise

by grirgz on 19 Jul'17 03:15 in sleep

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