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Getting Freq-y With It

by ianmcdougall60 on 15 Nov'16 12:21 in 115modulations

Assignment 2 for MUSC 115

Pluck the Duck

by kkomers on 08 Nov'16 22:28 in


by bbates on 08 Nov'16 21:07 in

115pluck (Assignment 1)

by Mason McCormack on 08 Nov'16 20:58 in 115pluck

A1 - Heldt

by unknown on 08 Nov'16 20:27 in

I wanted to keep the snare and hats but write different rhythms. After that I used "glissf" to create more of a moving bass sound out of the kick. I t

Bass with Pluck

by Margo Gentile on 08 Nov'16 20:15 in 115pluck

Assignment #1

by ldavidson on 08 Nov'16 17:16 in 115pluck

Re: Granular electromaton variation

by Bruno Ruviaro on 01 Nov'16 04:47 in texture code fork microtiming rhythm grains granulator

A variation of Granular electromaton by William Mox Drossard

SynthDef examples: hihat, snare, kick, sawSynth, with Pbind demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 31 Oct'16 23:58 in snare kick drum musc115 scu hihat

demonstration of simple SynthDefs simulating hihat, snare, kick drum; and a sawtooth synth used both for chords and a bass line in the Pbind demonstra

another livecoding rehearsal

by tedthetrumpet on 15 Jun'16 23:11 in livecoding

More rehearsals towards a sort of algorave gig I've been offered, tidied up a bit. One run of this here

Looping sampler with crossfading

by coreyker on 16 May'16 10:56 in

Looping sampler with crossfading. Looping point and loop length can be adjusted.

reception: awesome (1)

Fragment IX

by coreyker on 05 May'16 16:57 in drone bandcamp

Code to reproduce this piece:

In-App purchase

by grirgz on 11 Feb'16 18:46 in

the starting element of this track was the "piano" (named dru here) which is picking random notes from a scale then putting them at random time on a b

Performance Unit - Buffers (part 2)

by rumush on 22 Dec'15 21:20 in noise

A draft of performance setup I started working on some time ago. For now I've got simple MIDI controls and buffers that you can granularize. You can r

Pi sonification

by grirgz on 14 Nov'15 19:07 in code fork

It take groups of 10 decimals from Pi and use each number as an index in arrays of patterns. If you are bored by pi, you can try other numbers

Random arpeggio by default

by grirgz on 26 Jul'15 01:27 in

Modanung - Return of the King

by Modanung on 05 Jun'15 00:47 in guitar code fork plucked strings

The final version had a preverb added to it in Audacity. It can be found here:

Bugger Soundtrack

by Modanung on 03 Jun'15 23:33 in guitar code fork plucked strings

This will be the sound track for Bugger, a Frogger clone that started as a school assignment. Simple SynthDef using Pluck, and a few Pbinds. Bugg

reception: great plucking instrument (1)

Vanguard - A1: Karplus-Strong Synthesis (musc-115-pluck)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:21 in pattern electronic sound guitar experimental patterns supercollider code synth synthesis karplusstrong karplusstrong synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115pluck

This piece is a remix of my previous piece called "Avant Garde" in which a plucking synthesizer is used. In this piece, I have modified the plucking s

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