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Simple performance script to launch patterns a la Ableton

by misc29377 on 15 Feb'25 00:48 in midi samples sequences

This script was my first Supercollider project to create a performance tool something similar like Ableton Live. The script sets up a reverb and d


by LFSaw on 26 Jan'24 04:03 in feedback composition reverb

Reverb study


by LFSaw on 26 Jan'24 02:35 in composition reverb

reverb study


by Δ on 10 Jul'22 01:21 in

exhaustive MIDI debugger

by soundlake on 21 Jul'21 22:58 in midi

Inspired by Written in 3.11.2. All arguments are labeled. Source ID becomes more human-readable format; MIDIEndPoint.devi

Vocal Clouds (work in progress)

by emergent on 08 Mar'21 14:16 in instrument granularsynthesis

A sample-based granular synthesizer to make a cloud-like texture from short vocal samples, which can then be played with a MIDI controller ## ToDo:

MIDI arpeggiator demo

by wondersluyter on 06 Mar'21 05:31 in pattern arpeggio midi arpeggiator

Roughly based on the stock ableton arpeggiator behavior. A lot of variation is possible combining custom ~chordSort and ~notePat functions.

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti

by nicolaariutti on 19 Mar'20 22:27 in aphex twin supercollider piano pianoteq

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti. From a music sheet by Micheal Jordan (

Re: midified arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment using patterns

by elgiano on 11 Jan'20 18:03 in pattern arpeggio midi code fork arpeggiator autoaccompaniment

Re: Let me know if you have ideas for improvement! (code-wise or feature-wise) -> I used an object prototype to streamline the process of registering

midified arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment using patterns

by 56228375 on 03 Jan'20 01:19 in pattern arpeggio midi arpeggiator autoaccompaniment

Proof of concept code for a midified arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment system, quickly reacting to chord changes Midi is received as input, and supercol

MIDI displayer/debugger

by peterk on 26 Dec'19 13:58 in midi

Get started using midi controllers with this script to easily output note on/off and continuous controller messages.

MIDI value recorder

by LFSaw on 12 Mar'19 22:36 in midi tool recoder

simple MIDI data recorder. records MIDI into an array. Save data as ".mid" file (readable e.g. by Ableton Live).

midi soft takeover

by meunier.fabien on 21 Nov'18 17:25 in midi control change cc soft takeover gui

it avoids jump of value when the value on your GUI and the value of your midi controller are differents. In other words your midi controller take cont

Using a MIDI keyboard - simple example

by Bruno Ruviaro on 18 Sep'18 00:26 in midi keyboard saw

Basic example - how to use a MIDI keyboard with a simple synth

Quneo Additive synth with modulation and filters.

by blueprint on 20 Mar'18 22:55 in synth quneo

This is an additive synth using a sinOscFb with an lfo and an RLPF ... it's desiqned for the quneo controller. The pads control note and velocity a

sync looper

by ovo on 02 Mar'18 11:51 in sync looper pedal

synchronized loop

Re: Launchpad Spiral

by grirgz on 21 May'16 20:07 in code fork

For the challenge, let's make the path algorithmically =)

Launchpad Spiral

by Schemawound on 18 May'16 19:41 in

Just a quick demo of making a spiral pattern on a Novation Launchpad Mini Visual of it here:

Apocalyptic Visions

by Akash Kumar on 15 Mar'16 06:47 in visions

For my MUSC-115 Final. I decided that I would try to remake all that I could from Visions (my first song that I produced). It was a challenge to get t

Performance Unit - Buffers (part 2)

by rumush on 22 Dec'15 21:20 in noise

A draft of performance setup I started working on some time ago. For now I've got simple MIDI controls and buffers that you can granularize. You can r

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