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Super Clean package - Little drum machine that prints working code 16 step

by Frank Bonarrigo on 19 Jul'24 05:54 in supercollider drummachine super clean

Super Clean and supercollider drum machine. With presets and a print button for working code that needs no adjustment Buttons for euclidean rhythm an

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti

by nicolaariutti on 19 Mar'20 22:27 in aphex twin supercollider piano pianoteq

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti. From a music sheet by Micheal Jordan (

Vanguard - A1: Karplus-Strong Synthesis (musc-115-pluck)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:21 in pattern electronic sound guitar experimental patterns supercollider code synth synthesis karplusstrong karplusstrong synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115pluck

This piece is a remix of my previous piece called "Avant Garde" in which a plucking synthesizer is used. In this piece, I have modified the plucking s

Entropy - Midterm: THX Deep Note Variation (musc-115-thx)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:14 in electronic experimental supercollider code synth synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115thx thx deep note thx deep note

Each of these synths is a variation of SuperCollider code that replicates the TXH Deep Note. A tutorial for replicating the THX Deep Note can be foun

Avant Garde - Assignment 4: Algorithmic Harp (Pluck) [musc-9-pluck]

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:46 in pattern electronic patterns supercollider code synth synthesis harp algorithmic music computer musc9pluck pluck synthesizer

This track was created entirely out of one "pluck" synth in SuperCollider that I manipulated to obtain many interesting sounds. The piece was also arr

In Divisions - Midterm: Plunderphonics with Granular Sampling (musc-9-plunderphonics)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:40 in electronic supercollider code granular granular synthesis sampling granular sampling musc9plunderphonics underoath ardour plunderphonics music computer

This track was created using SuperCollider and using granular sampling. The sampled track is In Division (Toxic Avenger Remix) by Underoath. The sampl

SC Cube (from the list archives)

by rukano on 14 Feb'12 19:58 in supercollider cube logo fanboy

One face of the SC cube. Code originally by Batuhan Bozkurt (iirc). Feel free to fork and pimp or make a 3D version of the cube ;) Code taken from:

harmonized harmonic minor scale, chords + melody

by josecaos on 10 Dec'11 19:14 in supercollider armonizacion escala menor armonica harmonic minor scale coding

// harmonized harmonic minor scale chords + melody //// download audio @

reception: nice (1)composition (1)