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by Dindoléon on 06 Dec'18 08:45 in gui granular grain module

A GUI module to produce granular synthesis textures. Controls are : amplitude, trigger rate, grain duration, number of simultaneous grains, frequency

"Home" - MUSC 115 Final

by tsonker on 03 Dec'18 21:24 in fm piano granular sampling musc115 tabla

Soundscape inspired partly by the festive season of Ganesh Chaturthi but mostly by homesickness. (Melody: Imagine Dragon's "Demons") SoundCloud:

Wind Down: Track Creation Project

by pkirk on 29 Nov'18 22:41 in pspawner

Use of Synthdefs, Pbinds, and Pspawner to create a unique track. This track was create for Bruno Ruviaro's course in Experimental Sound Design.

midi soft takeover

by meunier.fabien on 21 Nov'18 17:25 in midi control change cc soft takeover gui

it avoids jump of value when the value on your GUI and the value of your midi controller are differents. In other words your midi controller take cont

Harmo : Harmonic Series modulated by a MultiSlider interface.

by Dindoléon on 18 Nov'18 15:16 in gui harmonic fork module multislider

MultiSlider plot display allowing to shape a harmonic series. This is a simplification of Bruno Ruviaro's Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 2.

Granular Sampling demo [no GUI]

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Nov'18 01:34 in granular sampling

PlayBuf, granular sampling, Pbind, fork, TGrains


by meunier.fabien on 10 Nov'18 20:16 in feedback mixer channel strip

A channel strip and master bus SynthDef to create your own mixer, be carefull cause you can create feedback loops by feeding channel A into channel B


by snappizz on 10 Nov'18 19:43 in instrument gabber speedcore hardcore


Demo: Loading a MIDI file, playing it with your own SynthDef

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Nov'18 02:04 in midi pbindf simplemidifile quarks

Load a MIDI file and play it with your own SynthDef. Examples of how to use it with Pbindf

"The Scientist" - Coldplay [MUSC 115: Modulations]

by tsonker on 05 Nov'18 20:18 in fm am

Remixed Coldplay's "The Scientist" mainly through amplitude modulation and frequency modulation for a sound design class assignment. SoundCloud: ht

Beatboxing and Bach

by aahrens on 25 Oct'18 02:10 in bach invention classical

Taking inspiration from "Switched-On Bach", this is a supercollider rendition of Invention No. 13 in A Minor. The melody is held in Pbinds, and I m

Using a MIDI keyboard - simple example

by Bruno Ruviaro on 18 Sep'18 00:26 in midi keyboard saw

Basic example - how to use a MIDI keyboard with a simple synth


by unknown on 14 Aug'18 01:57 in percussion drums organ synthdef piano tradicional instrumens woodwind brass

SynthDEFaults - A Collection of Tradicional SynthDefs- //under GNU GPL 3 as per SuperCollider license //Organized by Zé Craum //This is the firs

Rate Player

by joehigham on 30 Jul'18 18:40 in sampler piano player

This is a player that I use for live work. It takes piano samples (or anything else I guess) and plays them in a rhythmic way that is also based on ch

sound | harmonics

by yotamorimoto on 24 Jul'18 11:17 in additive synthesis harmonics

web experiments

Modal synthesis of xilophone, marimba, glokenspiel, tubular bells

by nicolaariutti on 21 Jul'18 11:41 in percussive marimba modal xilophone glokenspiel tubulars bells

Example of modal synthesis made with a **Klank** UGEN as _resonator_ and white noise impulse as an _exciter_. All resonators of the Klank UGEN are

reception: awesome (1)

mrcl snippets #4: carillon cycles

by elgiano on 20 Jul'18 22:21 in

Panola - pattern notation language tutorial

by 56228375 on 11 May'18 23:03 in pattern tutorial panola notation

tutorial for the panola pattern notation language

reception: excellent (1)oh this is great (1)
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