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how to generate the synthdef with a pattern
by grirgz on 05 Jan'24 02:28 insynthdef building should take less time than s.latency for this to work
God Rest Ye Merry, Xentlemen
by walters on 01 Dec'23 17:30 inXenharmonic rendering of the Xmas favorite
reception: interesting way of harmonizing (1)leaf - an lsystem composition
by blueprint on 17 Nov'23 13:12 inagain, after building the l-system using A composition.
Introduction of Sweet Dreams
by prko on 28 Oct'23 00:16 ininspired from "2018 09 18 18 20 48 sweet dreams twitch" by studioTTTguTTT: "
Convolution reverb and impulse responses
by zecraum on 12 Jun'23 02:42 inBoilerplate code for creating and testing convolution reverb and impulse responses
l-systems Pbindef
by blueprint on 21 Mar'23 14:17 inAlso an homage to: but using l-systems to drive Pbindefs instead of Panolas. This is slightly easier to modify other factors (
Weed, after P. Bourke
by blueprint on 17 Mar'23 14:13 inThis is an homage to: which demonstrates the l-systems composition idea. I've used different synths and some of the l-systems
Re: Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve
by blueprint on 08 Mar'23 13:17 inThese are variations using lsystems I built for: I've only changed the LSystem itself, not the note selections or
Experiment with roots of unity
by Muse Score on 28 Jan'23 11:04 inThis is an experiment with roots of unity in supercollider. I took Eulers formula exp(2*pi*I*k/n) = cos(2*pi*k/n)+sin(2*pi*k/n)*I to sonify sums o
by Muse Score on 24 Jan'23 12:50 inThis is my first piece of music in the world of supercollider.
Space Game
by mjsyts on 20 Jul'22 15:47 inTop-down space shooter for SuperCollider. It is probably too easy but (I think) it is still fun.
monzos + sloth patch
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:37 infun patch using sloth canons to control places of a monzo
sloth canons
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:36 inroutine that takes a seed and generates a self-similar sloth canon with it by adding each term to each term, better explained in this blog post: https