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wavetable interpolation drone

by eli.fieldsteel on 28 Feb'19 07:06 in bass complex drone rich waveshaping wavetable

A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee

Twilight Luminaries

by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Feb'19 13:53 in simple random endless generative algorithmic sequence polyphonic

Twilight Luminaries is an endless generative composition based on random polyphonic sequences. While it has some hard limitations like fixed note

Automatic composition of tonal canons

by 56228375 on 24 Feb'19 16:21 in pattern generative theoryquark canon

Slightly older project which I forgot about until I hit on it by coincidence again... having some fun generating tonal canons (using the terminology "

reception: wow (1)

Binary Shift Register Sequencer by Dario Lozano-Thornton

by Dario Lozano-Thornton on 16 Feb'19 22:59 in sequencer binary shift register

This is a truly wacky patch I wrote 3 years ago and never developed properly. Posting as is, with some operational quirks and poor notes. (link in com

oneshot renderer

by LFSaw on 29 Jan'19 18:38 in nrt multichannel mono oneshot renderer samplepack generator

render each synthdef in a given dictionary as one-shot sound file.

Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve

by 56228375 on 26 Jan'19 22:09 in minimal generative graphics panola lsystem dragon

This minimal music generator uses a Lindenmayer system to generate composition instructions. Interpreting those same instructions twice with some rand

Radio Bursts From A Old Coffee Pot

by mr_rebop on 23 Jan'19 15:01 in fx art bzbuzz hacknoise bzakirasantjago snowcrashproject

"High-energy Radio Bursts, generated by an old coffee machine of Arab origin, manifest themselves as noise and audio signals, and trigger a magnetic a

Mad Traffic

by mr_rebop on 23 Jan'19 14:35 in ambient fx art bzbuzz hacknoise bzakirasantjago snowcrashproject

"It's the lack of eye contact that makes us more idiots, to the point that convertible riders give less to escalation. Closed in the car, explain the


by Roberto Arletti on 06 Jan'19 13:00 in


by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 in gui patterns synth

Another small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.

UI sounds (pt1)

by nicolaariutti on 02 Jan'19 21:05 in sound fm interface ui

This code is an attempt to recreate a sound inspired from some technological/science fictional UI interface. Sounds are created using FM technique.

aurora borealis

by nicolaariutti on 27 Dec'18 14:50 in ambient atmosphere

Random synths selected from VarSaw, Pulse and WhiteNoise create a texture resambling brasses, woods and flutes. It reminds me Micheal Land "The Dig"

IDMish modified. It is inspirated from the work of xffff.

by jerome.lapuyade.lahorgue on 18 Dec'18 13:57 in idm microrhythms micromelodies

This patch uses a SynthDef with Demand and triggered Ugens inside. The advantage of this rather using Pbind is the ability to play very speed rhythms

Micro-Rythms and micro-melodies with granular synthesis.

by jerome.lapuyade.lahorgue on 17 Dec'18 15:25 in idm microrhythms micromelodies

In order to not saturate the server, no OSC message is sent at each micro-times; I use Demand Ugens and I can get very speed rhythms.


by Dindoléon on 06 Dec'18 08:45 in gui granular grain module

A GUI module to produce granular synthesis textures. Controls are : amplitude, trigger rate, grain duration, number of simultaneous grains, frequency

"Home" - MUSC 115 Final

by tsonker on 03 Dec'18 21:24 in fm piano granular sampling musc115 tabla

Soundscape inspired partly by the festive season of Ganesh Chaturthi but mostly by homesickness. (Melody: Imagine Dragon's "Demons") SoundCloud:

Wind Down: Track Creation Project

by pkirk on 29 Nov'18 22:41 in pspawner

Use of Synthdefs, Pbinds, and Pspawner to create a unique track. This track was create for Bruno Ruviaro's course in Experimental Sound Design.

midi soft takeover

by meunier.fabien on 21 Nov'18 17:25 in midi control change cc soft takeover gui

it avoids jump of value when the value on your GUI and the value of your midi controller are differents. In other words your midi controller take cont

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