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Apocalyptic Visions

by Akash Kumar on 15 Mar'16 06:47 in visions

For my MUSC-115 Final. I decided that I would try to remake all that I could from Visions (my first song that I produced). It was a challenge to get t


by Modanung on 29 Nov'15 02:54 in scifi soundeffect camp value bleep laser zap jetsons code fork hexon

Seekers are something you should avoid. I put this code through Rakarrack to get some samples for heXon. heXon is a FOSS dual stick arcade shooter a

A couplse of noise functions

by rumush on 22 Oct'15 11:34 in ambient noise

A couple of short noise functions

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially

No Quarter pluck synth bass sound

by wondersluyter on 17 May'15 00:41 in bass synth pluck

In response to Listen at

Scanned Synthesis Visualisation

by Matthew Kane on 25 Feb'14 23:39 in scanned synthesis visualization

Visualization of scanned string synthesis.

reception: gui (1)scanned synthesis (1)visualization (1)

The Collatz Scale

by henklass on 08 Jan'14 14:37 in collatzproblem notenumbers tonality

Some time ago a did a thing on a series of numbers, that, as I learned later, was officially called the Collatz problem and it can be found on the Onl

Re: Silly Voice

by wondersluyter on 11 Dec'13 10:44 in formant synthesis gregorian chant

Silly gregorian chant, from [Silly Voice](

reception: algregorian (1)

noisy twist

by vividsnow on 28 Mar'13 16:14 in sketch

sclang fun )


by mimetikmusic on 18 Feb'13 14:46 in ambient drone experimental

SC Tweets collection

by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 in tweets

SC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012

Scanned Wave Synthesis

by phrontist on 05 Oct'12 21:22 in scannedwave scanned wave synthdef

Impetus provided by this fine thread:

reception: cool (1)spring (1)scanned wave synthesis (1)


by rwentk on 14 Sep'12 03:04 in ambient analog generative infinite pentatonic moog svf chill

Sort of analog-ish non-shiny largo pads modulating forever.

reception: analog (1)relaxed (1)awesome (1)beautiful (1)va (1)wow (1)

Re: Chicago Chord Pad

by grirgz on 30 Jul'12 15:11 in techno code fork chicago pad

a little fork of the Chicago chord pad. Edit: eliminate the click by replacing adsr by dadsr

reception: relaxed (1)cool (1)

Chicago Chord Pad

by headchant on 28 Jul'12 21:48 in techno chicago pad

rough sketch of chicago minor chord pad thing

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)retro (1)

sctweets by redFrik

by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 in tweets

my collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with

reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)

bin-aural revolve

by vividsnow on 07 Jun'12 03:44 in noise sketch experimental background

some sound exploring - [soundcloud](

reception: educational (1)realisticsounding (1)industrial (1)


by redFrik on 10 Feb'12 18:53 in graphic

works with both qt and cocoa. i get a steady 60fps on my machine. try lowering 'l= 1024' at the top if it's too heavy on your cpu.

reception: useful (1)awesome (1)timesink (1)


by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 in tweets sctweets

A hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to

reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)


by Bjorn Westergard on 16 Aug'11 06:44 in scifi soundeffect camp value bleep laser zap jetsons

Beam me up scotty.

reception: spacy (2)