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Piano phase

by jpdrecourt on 07 Apr'20 13:39 in patterns phasing piano

Early experimentation with patterns. Attempt at recreating Piano Phase by Steve Reich with random part lengths.

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti

by nicolaariutti on 19 Mar'20 22:27 in aphex twin supercollider piano pianoteq

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti. From a music sheet by Micheal Jordan (


by grirgz on 17 Feb'20 01:17 in cymbal

240 plucks

by Luka P. on 14 Feb'20 15:52 in rythmic patterns plucking soothing

using with PinkNoise as input and Patterns - major scale with sequence: 1,3,7,8 and randomly 10,11,13,14 at some weighted random intervals. a

Graphical Tracker Functions Example

by Dindoléon on 22 Jan'20 17:42 in gui tracker api

Example of the Graphical Tracker Functions usage ( ). Both files should be saved inside the same folder. See internal documen

Skyline by Bobby Macdonald

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 23:25 in composition musc115

"Skyline" by Bobby Macdonald. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.

"Variations on a Carol" by Michelle Nguyen

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 21:29 in composition musc115

"Variations on a Carol" by Michelle Nguyen. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fa

Judges by Michael Noonan

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 19:56 in composition musc115

"Judges" by Michael Noonan. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.

Creepy plinking

by badnumbersmusic on 05 Oct'19 21:43 in

Just rediscovered this thing I made a couple of months ago. I love it.

Punchy break

by badnumbersmusic on 05 Oct'19 19:32 in fm drums

Breakbeat made of out FM-synthesized drums. A little too saturated but nice and punchy.

techno kick

by Thomas Legacy on 02 Oct'19 17:51 in techno percussion drums kick drum techno kick

My first submission to this site, with hopefully many more to come. Here's one of the first real sounds I've synthesized that I've thought sounded goo

Wavetable Synthesis Patterns

by eli.fieldsteel on 05 Jun'19 23:22 in rhythmic patterns endless dark synthesis pentatonic sequence minor wavetable wavetable synthesis futuristic dystopian

Some sketches with wavetable synthesis patterns developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 23 on YouTube:


by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 in gui patterns synth

Another small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.

Micro-Rythms and micro-melodies with granular synthesis.

by jerome.lapuyade.lahorgue on 17 Dec'18 15:25 in idm microrhythms micromelodies

In order to not saturate the server, no OSC message is sent at each micro-times; I use Demand Ugens and I can get very speed rhythms.

"Home" - MUSC 115 Final

by tsonker on 03 Dec'18 21:24 in fm piano granular sampling musc115 tabla

Soundscape inspired partly by the festive season of Ganesh Chaturthi but mostly by homesickness. (Melody: Imagine Dragon's "Demons") SoundCloud:

Granular Sampling demo [no GUI]

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Nov'18 01:34 in granular sampling

PlayBuf, granular sampling, Pbind, fork, TGrains


by snappizz on 10 Nov'18 19:43 in instrument gabber speedcore hardcore


Demo: Loading a MIDI file, playing it with your own SynthDef

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Nov'18 02:04 in midi pbindf simplemidifile quarks

Load a MIDI file and play it with your own SynthDef. Examples of how to use it with Pbindf

"The Scientist" - Coldplay [MUSC 115: Modulations]

by tsonker on 05 Nov'18 20:18 in fm am

Remixed Coldplay's "The Scientist" mainly through amplitude modulation and frequency modulation for a sound design class assignment. SoundCloud: ht

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