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Creepy plinking
by badnumbersmusic on 05 Oct'19 21:43 inJust rediscovered this thing I made a couple of months ago. I love it.
Punchy break
by badnumbersmusic on 05 Oct'19 19:32 inBreakbeat made of out FM-synthesized drums. A little too saturated but nice and punchy.
techno kick
by Thomas Legacy on 02 Oct'19 17:51 inMy first submission to this site, with hopefully many more to come. Here's one of the first real sounds I've synthesized that I've thought sounded goo
Melodic, beat driven, evening synthesis.
by willschrimshaw on 05 Sep'19 13:25 inPosted at the request of Jonathan Reus. Melodic components generated with a simple fm based synth. A nice kick drum sound, some swirly noise and a
Wavetable Synthesis Patterns
by eli.fieldsteel on 05 Jun'19 23:22 inSome sketches with wavetable synthesis patterns developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 23 on YouTube:
FM Patterns
by eli.fieldsteel on 22 May'19 16:57 inPattern-based frequency modulation synthesis sketches developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 22 on YouTube:
reception: game music (1)Orchestral Sound texture v1
by nicolaariutti on 21 May'19 23:42 inI've used samples from the SSO (
Twilight Luminaries
by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Feb'19 13:53 inTwilight Luminaries is an endless generative composition based on random polyphonic sequences. While it has some hard limitations like fixed note
Automatic composition of tonal canons
by 56228375 on 24 Feb'19 16:21 inSlightly older project which I forgot about until I hit on it by coincidence again... having some fun generating tonal canons (using the terminology "
reception: wow (1)oneshot renderer
by LFSaw on 29 Jan'19 18:38 inrender each synthdef in a given dictionary as one-shot sound file.
Mad Traffic
by mr_rebop on 23 Jan'19 14:35 in"It's the lack of eye contact that makes us more idiots, to the point that convertible riders give less to escalation. Closed in the car, explain the
by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 inAnother small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.
Micro-Rythms and micro-melodies with granular synthesis.
by jerome.lapuyade.lahorgue on 17 Dec'18 15:25 inIn order to not saturate the server, no OSC message is sent at each micro-times; I use Demand Ugens and I can get very speed rhythms.
"Home" - MUSC 115 Final
by tsonker on 03 Dec'18 21:24 inSoundscape inspired partly by the festive season of Ganesh Chaturthi but mostly by homesickness. (Melody: Imagine Dragon's "Demons") SoundCloud:
Wind Down: Track Creation Project
by pkirk on 29 Nov'18 22:41 inUse of Synthdefs, Pbinds, and Pspawner to create a unique track. This track was create for Bruno Ruviaro's course in Experimental Sound Design.
Granular Sampling demo [no GUI]
by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Nov'18 01:34 inPlayBuf, granular sampling, Pbind, fork, TGrains