Search for «Pan2»doc code in class tags
by Henk Lasschuit on 03 Apr'12 23:14 inConfetti2 is an old project that I wrote for my first toy computer, the Aquarius by Mattel. I liked the sound of it so much, that I rewrote it for eve
reception: greetings from maryanne amacher (1)Series of numbers
by Henk Lasschuit on 29 Mar'12 16:59 inIn his book "Schema's voor programmeren" (Diagrams for programming, Kluwer, Deventer, 1988) Andree Hollander introduces a simple algorithm for generat
Scrambled eggs
by Ales Tsurko on 24 Mar'12 00:12 in reception: digital kitchen (1)makes me hungry (1)Thunderstorm
by Henk Lasschuit on 06 Mar'12 18:52 inA thunderstorm, made with SuperCollider. There are three layers of sounds: rain, wind and thunder. There is a global envelope controlling the densit
reception: natural (1)complex (1)Goodnight World
by Schemawound on 06 Mar'12 17:14 inExperimenting with some Reich style phasings Audio:
by vividsnow on 01 Mar'12 05:15 inbizzare idea ) tested under sc3.5 qt gui
reception: freezes my lang (1)fries my brain (1)shizzle ma nizzle (1)f0 sound detector
by redFrik on 31 Dec'11 16:58 inautomatically record sound into buffers - with playback
reception: useful (1)Step Sequencer with Midi/Scales/Tuning capabilities
by rukano on 16 Dec'11 09:52 inVery old code I made in my first SuperCollider years. Changed some stuff to not use environment variables. Still works... but, yeah... spaghetti code
asylum appearance
by vividsnow on 13 Dec'11 21:28 inlunatic asylum band during moon eclipse p.s. slightly different sounding on each run )
reception: metallic (1)percussive (1)electrobells (1)harmonized harmonic minor scale, chords + melody
by josecaos on 10 Dec'11 19:14 in// harmonized harmonic minor scale chords + melody //// download audio @
reception: nice (1)composition (1)nxE004
by on 25 Nov'11 22:32 inA drone insect-string from:
reception: drony (1)rand-n-step+
by vividsnow on 19 Nov'11 17:45 inbulging version of [simple rand-n-step]( but with comments, which maybe helpful to reuse this stuff it seems, someday, it sh
by vividsnow on 15 Nov'11 01:28 insimple gui step sequencer of PMOsc-based random instruments note: modify variables "dims" and "resolution" to change number of instruments/steps an
by redFrik on 13 Nov'11 13:42 ini've also written a pattern class Pklee
reception: informative (1)interesting (1)ScoreClock, Patterns, RT/NRT and server-side resources
by jamshark70 on 12 Nov'11 03:20 inA quick demo of one way to allocate server-side resources (SynthDefs, Buffers) that works in RT/NRT with minimal modification. You'll need Jonatan
reception: informative (1)educational (1)alien radio beacon
by vividsnow on 23 Oct'11 15:27 instrange device found in space ) p.s. different "station" each run