Search for «Pan2»doc code in class tags
by vividsnow on 26 Mar'13 08:13 inreqs: sc3-plugins
reception: really nice going to need to study this one (1)A Map To Everything [Disquiet0062-LifeOfSine]
by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:20 inThis week’s project involves making music from the basic building block of sound: the sine wave. You will compose and record a piece of music using
reception: patterns (1)sines (1)some rhythm (1)Shane Demo
by Bjorn Westergard on 02 Mar'13 01:30 inSomething I whipped up talking to my buddy Shane.
by bateslewis on 24 Feb'13 17:32 inpattern based granulizer using Pspawn - a work in progress
Young Mr. Markov
by Paparde on 23 Feb'13 21:53 inComposition using a markov chain and a violin sample. You can set probabilities for the notes to be generated by the markov chain (minor or major or r
The quest for the prime numbers
by henklass on 11 Feb'13 17:59 inThe search for prime numbers from 1 to 100 is represented by sound. Channel 1: the numbers, channel 0: the divisors. In the center: a fm-sound with a
by bateslewis on 06 Feb'13 12:47 inCloudGenMini for use with samples
reception: grains (1)resynthesis (1)advanced (1)gui interface (1)preset save (1)4 synthdefs to choose from (1)CloundGenMiniFMproper
by bateslewis on 05 Feb'13 18:36 inlast one was just extended synthDefs - this is the FM version I meant to put up....
by bateslewis on 04 Feb'13 12:27 inoriginal example using PMOsc instead
reception: informative (1)gui (1)random (1)cool (1)instrument (1)Musical Toys For Little Robots
by mimetikmusic on 31 Dec'12 13:25 inAn algorithmic/aleatoric composition for mallets and proxy patterns
redo_minimalish sketch
by Fredrik Olofsson on 23 Dec'12 23:48 intook five of my own tweets and played them at the same time.
reception: educational (1)trance (1)Swarm of sound files
by Bjørn Houdorf on 21 Dec'12 16:56 inPut your sound files in the sound file folder. The code plays random sound files panned out in the stereo field. A swarm of sound files.
Telegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat]
by Schemawound on 17 Dec'12 13:04 inTelegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat] By Schemawound All code by Jonathan Siemasko Blog post about this track: http://schemawound.
winter curves
by vividsnow on 07 Dec'12 17:19 inseasonal reflections )
reception: wobbly twinkles (1)SC Tweets collection
by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 inSC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012