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The Collatz Scale

by henklass on 08 Jan'14 14:37 in collatzproblem notenumbers tonality

Some time ago a did a thing on a series of numbers, that, as I learned later, was officially called the Collatz problem and it can be found on the Onl

Re: Silly Voice

by wondersluyter on 11 Dec'13 10:44 in formant synthesis gregorian chant

Silly gregorian chant, from [Silly Voice](

reception: algregorian (1)

Silly Voice

by Bruno Ruviaro on 13 Nov'13 06:31 in formant synthesis

Re: song of forest

by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 13:31 in code fork perc

Timing variations...

song of forest

by soundlake on 19 Oct'13 04:22 in perc

Hmmm.. I'm still SC beginner.

functors - Using Pdef for building abstract pattern functions while live coding

by julian.rohrhuber on 27 Sep'13 22:22 in pattern live coding abstraction tutorial

A simple example that shows of how to build higher-level patterns using Pdef

Additive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 3 (Risset Bell)

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 05:47 in bell risset additive synthesis quneo

QuNeo controller playing Risset Bells (additive synthesis demo).

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:51 in gui synthesis techniques granular sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (multiple sound files at a time).


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:51 in unnamable


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:48 in unnamable


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:46 in unnamable


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:43 in unnamable

pattern of kicks

by vividsnow on 12 Jul'13 00:56 in sketch experimental kick

evolution of ["vagabond kicks"](


by grirgz on 09 Jul'13 21:37 in bass random

New-Metal Mistress Time

by Tim Walters on 16 Jun'13 01:00 in drone freerun

A free-running oscillator piece. I was hoping the three elements had enough code in common that I could make an elegant generator for them, but not so


by vividsnow on 22 Apr'13 19:40 in sketch

controlling arrayed args using pattern

vagabond kicks

by vividsnow on 03 Apr'13 14:15 in sketch experimental kick

pluck birds in desert

by vividsnow on 31 Mar'13 16:40 in sketch experimental random wind

morning on Gliese 667Cb