Search for «Pan2»doc code in class tags

strange place

by vividsnow on 20 Sep'11 13:56 in scifi sketch experimental

Just experimental sketch of somewhere audio background. p.s. some random variations on each run.

Re: winter is coming

by vividsnow on 16 Sep'11 15:37 in rhythmic sketch code fork

evolution of [this](

winter is coming

by vividsnow on 16 Sep'11 14:38 in rhythmic sketch

reflection on seasonal change )

reception: ambience (1)spatial (1)bell (1)klank (1)

Vinyl Pops and Crackles

by eli.fieldsteel on 15 Aug'11 01:42 in ambient noise emulation

old school noise from needle on vinyl

Spring box

by vividsnow on 13 Aug'11 18:29 in pattern rhythmic chance

get different result each time running the pattern

endless fingers tapping in space

by Jascha Narveson on 13 Aug'11 02:27 in echo feedback spacey trippy repetitive sequential

an adventure in hi-fi cosmic stereo sound...


by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 17:52 in sound effects vuvuzela irritating

Let's travel back in time to summer 2010: a new, evil sound comes to the stadiums of South Africa and the streets of football-loving cities.

reception: wasps (1)

Bye Fighter

by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 17:21 in sound effects scifi

An attempt at a Star Wars sound effect!

reception: sudden (1)flight (1)spacy (1)


by egor on 09 Aug'11 01:36 in pattern effect

some pattern exprimenting

reception: strange (1)patterns (1)cool (1)