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l-systems Pbindef

by blueprint on 21 Mar'23 14:17 in lsystem generative iterative

Also an homage to: but using l-systems to drive Pbindefs instead of Panolas. This is slightly easier to modify other factors (

Weed, after P. Bourke

by blueprint on 17 Mar'23 14:13 in panola lsystem generative iterative

This is an homage to: which demonstrates the l-systems composition idea. I've used different synths and some of the l-systems

Re: Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve

by blueprint on 08 Mar'23 13:17 in code fork minimal generative graphics panola lsystem dragon

These are variations using lsystems I built for: I've only changed the LSystem itself, not the note selections or


by Robert Boyd on 14 Feb'23 03:46 in

Experiment with roots of unity

by Muse Score on 28 Jan'23 11:04 in

This is an experiment with roots of unity in supercollider. I took Eulers formula exp(2*pi*I*k/n) = cos(2*pi*k/n)+sin(2*pi*k/n)*I to sonify sums o


by Muse Score on 24 Jan'23 12:50 in

This is my first piece of music in the world of supercollider.

Automatic looper by selecting a part of a sound file

by prko on 05 Dec'22 15:41 in looper

originated from <> and <

NodeProxy PlayControl for parallel sounds

by LFSaw on 04 Aug'22 11:38 in jitlib recipe

NodeProxy rule to create parallel versions of the same sound definition.

Space Game

by mjsyts on 20 Jul'22 15:47 in gui game arcade

Top-down space shooter for SuperCollider. It is probably too easy but (I think) it is still fun.

phase modulation dx11 algoritms

by gentleclockdivider on 04 Jul'22 01:19 in fm phase modulation dx

All dx11 algoritms

fast fm windchimes 4 fealty

by s2s2s2s2s on 18 Jun'22 03:24 in i loike windchimes


monzos + sloth patch

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:37 in just intonation monzo sloth canon fractals

fun patch using sloth canons to control places of a monzo

sloth canons

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:36 in fractal just intonation sloth canon

routine that takes a seed and generates a self-similar sloth canon with it by adding each term to each term, better explained in this blog post: https

mutronome (brownian motion of beats)

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:23 in rhythm metronome brownian relabi

beat absolute locations rather than deltas meander randomly each cycle


by Marty Carlton on 02 Mar'22 00:02 in filter additive synthesis lfo computer keyboard isomorphic layout

This is just a different keyboard layout for the code I found called "Operator". Thank you Alexander Lunt, wherever you might be! I changed the weird

classical piano music in SC

by stewartmandell on 17 Feb'22 18:37 in

Hello Everyone. This is my first post. I'm trying to transcribe classical piano music to SuperCollider. Here is my problem. In piano music, a

Buffer Plotter

by Dindoléon on 05 Jan'22 15:06 in gui synthesis utility plotter

This is a setup that allows you to plot a Synth() output, using a buffer. See .

Command-line SC utility for MIDI clock out

by jamshark70 on 27 Dec'21 05:52 in midi sync clock

When sending MIDI clock out at a fast tempo, there may be fewer than 10 ms between clock ticks. If you're sending the clock messages from the same scl


by ab2 on 09 Dec'21 00:45 in eguitar

just a very limited attempt for reference purpose of a hoped for eguitar synth ´ based on


by hamma on 02 Dec'21 18:41 in drone gui visuals graphics

a go at making something like metaphysical function from NI reaktor in SC original instrument design by mike daliot based on ScopeView helpfile

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