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Audio-triggered Kickdrum

by Bernhard Zitz on 22 Dec'24 00:58 in kick drum gabber

Triggered DRUM, inspired by analogue drum brains like Simmons SDS-V oder Tama Techstar

Sound Simulator's "Ryoji Ikeda Pure Data Tutorial" ported to SC

by gosub on 30 May'24 09:09 in ikeda ryojiikeda microsound puredata

Sound Simulator's "Ryoji Ikeda Pure Data Tutorial" ported to SC source: I only did the porting, kudo

Space Game

by mjsyts on 20 Jul'22 15:47 in gui game arcade

Top-down space shooter for SuperCollider. It is probably too easy but (I think) it is still fun.

[SIMPLE] Random Pad Generator

by Checco Ruseo on 17 Sep'20 12:40 in gui random pad

A random pad generation thing. Every time you click EXECUTE, a pad with a certain number of melodic lines is generated using the parameters in the G

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially

Subtractive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:10 in patterns subtractive synthesis quneo white noise

Each QuNeo pad activates a differnt pattern of "notes" made of filtered white noise.

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:57 in gui patterns synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Translucent "pad" interface to play with subtractive synthesis. White noise triggered by either Impulses of LFPulse, then filtered by a Band Pass Filt

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:53 in noise gui filter synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Graphical interface to play with subtractive synthesis. Use the 2D slider to choose filter frequency (x-axis) and filter rq (y-axis). Use the menu to


by Callum Goddard on 27 Mar'13 18:18 in drone lazer bleeps

A lazer sound then a drone with morse-code like bleeps. A byproduct of testing the triggering algorithm in the mono2eN SynthDef.

Red alert

by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:21 in alarm siren

Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 58)


by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:17 in machine car engine

A "toy" engine, a four cylinder engine with slugging speed and an advanced engine example. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by

reception: educational (1)simulation (1)andy farnell (1)


by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:06 in nature electricity

Hum and spark sounds. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 39, Practical 16, Electricity)

reception: andy farnell (1)

Star Trek transporter

by DSastre on 15 Jul'12 17:50 in scifi fm space star trek

based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 56, Practical 33, Transporter)

reception: educational (1)realistic (1)space (2)awesome (1)star trek (1)

sctweets by rukano

by rukano on 10 Jul'12 16:01 in tweets

Still trying to find more so I can have a collection of all my tweets here

reception: awesome (1)collection (2)redfrikfan (1)inspiration (1)


by xffff on 08 Jun'12 13:08 in sctweet bitwise beep

sctweet using bitwise ops, careful of the volume

reception: cool (1)

The Tunnel

by Schemawound on 18 Apr'12 16:47 in noise drone

This code contains three sections, the first defines the synthdef. The second starts up the synth and the GUI for playing with the presets live. Th