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electro drum kit
by snappizz on 09 Sep'16 21:02 inscrounged together from various youtube tutorials and forum posts
reception: drumkit (1)balungan
by tedthetrumpet on 14 Jul'16 12:23 inAn improvisation on Formant, also using JPverb (from DEINDUGens) and Decimator (from DistortionUGens). 'Balungan' is the name given to the central, sk
another livecoding rehearsal
by tedthetrumpet on 15 Jun'16 23:11 inMore rehearsals towards a sort of algorave gig I've been offered, tidied up a bit. One run of this here
Re: Launchpad Spiral
by grirgz on 21 May'16 20:07 inFor the challenge, let's make the path algorithmically =)
Launchpad Spiral
by Schemawound on 18 May'16 19:41 inJust a quick demo of making a spiral pattern on a Novation Launchpad Mini Visual of it here:
Apocalyptic Visions
by Akash Kumar on 15 Mar'16 06:47 inFor my MUSC-115 Final. I decided that I would try to remake all that I could from Visions (my first song that I produced). It was a challenge to get t
In-App purchase
by grirgz on 11 Feb'16 18:46 inthe starting element of this track was the "piano" (named dru here) which is picking random notes from a scale then putting them at random time on a b
Simple pattern-based beat slicer
by david_morgan on 24 Jan'16 22:00 inRevised: Made some improvements from previous submission. I hadn't really come across a simple self-contained example to use with patterns. Yo
No Quarter pluck synth bass sound
by wondersluyter on 17 May'15 00:41 inIn response to Listen at
tri-o emulation
by grirgz on 29 Mar'15 19:17 inI just saw this controller, not a bad idea, but no need to have real rotating discs ;) Adaptin
Yet another molecular music box
by coreyker on 24 Dec'14 14:13 inAn attempt at coding this algorithm:
A simple drum machine
by coreyker on 17 Oct'14 11:13 inA simple drum machine, using synthetic (analog type) drum sounds. No SynthDef's were used, although this would be a good idea. The various "players" c
Molecular music box
by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 00:31 inInspired by this post I rewritten the algo to use more the patterns, so it's generated on the fly and it's easy to cu
20140103_1504 (pluck piece)
by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 inNew piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and
pattern of kicks
by vividsnow on 12 Jul'13 00:56 inevolution of ["vagabond kicks"](
The Unfunky Drummer
by Schemawound on 30 May'13 19:02 inThe Unfunky Drummer - Insert samples, extract joy. Code by Jonathan Siemasko NOTE: Set values for ~synthDefToUse, ~rat