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by grirgz on 21 Jul'15 02:12 in bass noisy

Modanung - Return of the King

by Modanung on 05 Jun'15 00:47 in guitar code fork plucked strings

The final version had a preverb added to it in Audacity. It can be found here:

Bugger Soundtrack

by Modanung on 03 Jun'15 23:33 in guitar code fork plucked strings

This will be the sound track for Bugger, a Frogger clone that started as a school assignment. Simple SynthDef using Pluck, and a few Pbinds. Bugg

reception: great plucking instrument (1)

Fifths (QuNeo demo)

by Bruno Ruviaro on 21 May'15 21:56 in pbind midi quneo

playing Pbinds with a MIDI controller (QuNeo, etc).

No Quarter pluck synth bass sound

by wondersluyter on 17 May'15 00:41 in bass synth pluck

In response to Listen at

Detuned Synth Pad

by coreyker on 13 May'15 22:56 in synth pad sound design

A SuperCollider implementation of the synth sound described here: ""

Vanguard - A1: Karplus-Strong Synthesis (musc-115-pluck)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:21 in pattern electronic sound guitar experimental patterns supercollider code synth synthesis karplusstrong karplusstrong synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115pluck

This piece is a remix of my previous piece called "Avant Garde" in which a plucking synthesizer is used. In this piece, I have modified the plucking s

Avant Garde - Assignment 4: Algorithmic Harp (Pluck) [musc-9-pluck]

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:46 in pattern electronic patterns supercollider code synth synthesis harp algorithmic music computer musc9pluck pluck synthesizer

This track was created entirely out of one "pluck" synth in SuperCollider that I manipulated to obtain many interesting sounds. The piece was also arr

In Divisions - Midterm: Plunderphonics with Granular Sampling (musc-9-plunderphonics)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:40 in electronic supercollider code granular granular synthesis sampling granular sampling musc9plunderphonics underoath ardour plunderphonics music computer

This track was created using SuperCollider and using granular sampling. The sampled track is In Division (Toxic Avenger Remix) by Underoath. The sampl


by grirgz on 23 Oct'14 21:41 in bass distortion

just a start with Livid BASE

by moncrey on 22 Sep'14 21:05 in midi class controller

getting livid base communicating.

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

Molecular music box

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 00:31 in pattern generative molecular

Inspired by this post I rewritten the algo to use more the patterns, so it's generated on the fly and it's easy to cu


by henklass on 25 Aug'14 16:13 in arpeggio math kaprekars constant

Kaprekar Take any four-digit number except multiples of 1111. Sort the digits. Make numbers of the digits in ascending and in descending order. Repea

beat grid

by vividsnow on 16 Jul'14 01:57 in rhythmic beat prototype metre grid

prototype of simple metre beat grid running on server w/ synced TempoBusClock

kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick

sine ocean

by eli.fieldsteel on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in sine patterns random spatialization metal pure immersive

150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase

Pisano Melodies

by henk.lasschuit on 15 Apr'14 21:55 in mathematics research

Pisano Periods are used to generate melodies

Simple Vocable Synthesiser

by uiae on 19 Mar'14 12:43 in speech synthesis vocable livecoding yaxu

A SuperCollider version of Alex McLean's vocable synthesiser. The original is written in haskell and uses hsc3. [Source Code](

Re: The Sounds of Fibonacci

by ttsesmetzis on 18 Mar'14 17:42 in code fork mathematics research

Pisano periods for rythmic patterns.