«playing around with ComplexRes UGen» by julian.rohrhuber
on 16 Mar'14 17:33 in1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
( z = { exprand(100.0, 5000.0) } ! 20; Ndef(\x, { var in = Decay.ar(Dust.ar(MouseX.kr(0.0001, 0.1, 1) * z, 10), 0.3) * PinkNoise.ar(0.4 ! (z.size div: 3), 1); z = z * LFNoise1.ar(0.2 ! z.size).range(1, 2) * LFNoise0.ar(20 ! z.size).exprange(1, 1.8); Splay.ar(ComplexRes.ar(in, z, 10 / z)) * 2 }).play ) // this started out as a comparison between BPF and ComplexRes ( z = [253.12, 2881.123, 2883.4, 1002.2, 882.01]; Ndef(\x, { var in = Decay.ar(Dust.ar(5, 100), 0.3) * PinkNoise.ar(0.4, 1); ComplexRes.ar(in, z, 10 / z).sum }).play ) ( z = [253.12, 2881.123, 2883.4, 1002.2, 882.01]; Ndef(\x, { var in = Decay.ar(Dust.ar(5, 100), 0.3) * PinkNoise.ar(0.4, 1); BPF.ar(in, z, (10 / z) * 2).sum }).play ) ( z = [253.12, 2881.123, 2883.4, 1002.2, 882.01]; Ndef(\x, { var in = Decay.ar(Dust.ar(5, 100), 0.3) * PinkNoise.ar(0.4, 1); z = z * LFNoise0.ar(13).range(1, 2); ComplexRes.ar(in, z, 10 / z).sum }).play ) ( z = [253.12, 2881.123, 2883.4, 1002.2, 882.01]; Ndef(\x, { var in = Decay.ar(Dust.ar(5, 100), 0.3) * PinkNoise.ar(0.4, 1); z = z * LFNoise0.ar(13).range(1, 2); BPF.ar(in, z, (10 / z) * 2).sum }).play )
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«Re: playing around with ComplexRes UGen» by julian.rohrhuber (private)
The interesting part of ComplexRes is that all its parameters can be modulated in audiorate without blowing up. So it is possible to create nice FM-like structures...