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by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 in gui patterns synth

Another small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.

aurora borealis

by nicolaariutti on 27 Dec'18 14:50 in ambient atmosphere

Random synths selected from VarSaw, Pulse and WhiteNoise create a texture resambling brasses, woods and flutes. It reminds me Micheal Land "The Dig"

Panola - pattern notation language tutorial

by 56228375 on 11 May'18 23:03 in pattern tutorial panola notation

tutorial for the panola pattern notation language

reception: excellent (1)oh this is great (1)


by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 16 Mar'18 13:19 in simple patterns generative algorithmic selfstep

a simple self-playing piece with generative patterning

stranger things

by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 14:43 in subtractive theoryquark stranger things theme

First 30 seconds or so of the obligatory "stranger things" theme. I didn't make any serious attempt to perfectly clone the original sounds, but I feel

supercollider implementation of padsynth algorithm.

by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 12:22 in pattern pad padsynth

An implementation of Paul Nasca Octavian's excellent PadSynth algorithm in supercollider, driven from patterns. This code is accompanied by a blog art

Randomized FM7 perc sounds

by david_morgan on 09 Dec'17 08:53 in fm frequency modulation

Requires: SuperCollider v3.8.0+ FM7 (sc3 plugins) Feedback Quark

FM7 Patch

by david_morgan on 06 Dec'17 16:46 in fm frequency modulation

FM bell and bass

by grirgz on 16 Nov'17 01:43 in bass fm bell

Synthdefs inspired by FM8

Scribble Squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 15:40 in squiggle record play

Alternative way of squiggling: instead of modeling the squiggle with math formulas you can also just draw it by mouse, record it and then play it back

Squiggle squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 00:51 in osc visualization squiggle mousex mousey control signal parametric

A more extensive squiggle session. Construction is detailed in a blog post

forlorn brownian atmosphere

by david_morgan on 22 Jul'17 08:03 in generative

Requires sc3-plugins: DFM1, Greyhole, JPverb

When The Saints Come Crawling Out

by walters on 20 Jul'17 18:07 in percussive generative algorithmic

Submission for WESU algorithmic music show.

Xiongnu bells

by badnumbersmusic on 10 Jun'17 09:17 in bell

Makes a sort of melody out of detuned bell sounds.

Crap jazz

by badnumbersmusic on 26 May'17 19:49 in jazz algorithmic

A bassline with a randomish jazz thing over the top.

Singing discrete but continuously

by gilFuser on 18 Apr'17 17:06 in vocal plucked polyphonic long or short heterodox

This is a way of having both discrete and continuous control over a sound that is meant to be played trough patterns. One also have the possibility t

granular AM synthesis

by 56228375 on 19 Feb'17 01:06 in gui patterns osc amplitude modulation granular synthesis visualization

My first composition that goes beyond tweaking documentation examples. It uses a kind of granular synthesis where each grain is a short AM synthesized

In Love - MUSC 115 Final

by ldavidson on 06 Dec'16 19:59 in



by tedthetrumpet on 14 Jul'16 12:23 in slow

An improvisation on Formant, also using JPverb (from DEINDUGens) and Decimator (from DistortionUGens). 'Balungan' is the name given to the central, sk