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Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:44 in fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation modulation index

Another interface to experiment with frequency modulation, now using Modulation Index.

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:42 in fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation

Simple interface to experiment with basic frequency modulation (big knobs!)

Formant Synthesis Singers GUI Demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:40 in gui synthesis techniques formant synthesis singers voice

Four voice types available: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass (buttons SATB). Two vibrato controls: speed and depth (horizontal sliders). Fundamental frequ

Amplitude Modulation GUI Demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:37 in gui synthesis techniques amplitude modulation

Simple but nice interface to play with basic amplitude modulation.

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 4

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:35 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques inharmonic partials

Multislider interface to control up to 16 inharmonic partials of a timbre. Two modes of play: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 3

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:33 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques inharmonic partials

2 button rows to play up to 16 inharmonic partials of a given fundamental frequency. Horizontal Sliders control ADSR envelope, Global Volume, and Fund

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:29 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques

Multislider interface to control 32 partials of a harmonic series. Two modes of playing: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as you

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:26 in additive synthesis synthesis techniques

Simple button grid to play first 16 partials of a harmonic series. Horizontal Sliders control ADSR envelope. All partials have equal amplitude.

An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback.

by LFSaw on 25 Mar'13 16:02 in fm synth matrix

FM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback!

reception: awesome (1)

Basic FM Matrix Synth

by LFSaw on 22 Mar'13 17:37 in fm synth matrix

A basic FM matrix synth (Ndef) with GUI


by bateslewis on 28 Feb'13 11:46 in


by bateslewis on 24 Feb'13 17:32 in

pattern based granulizer using Pspawn - a work in progress


by bateslewis on 05 Feb'13 18:36 in

last one was just extended synthDefs - this is the FM version I meant to put up....


by bateslewis on 04 Feb'13 12:27 in

original example using PMOsc instead

reception: informative (1)gui (1)random (1)cool (1)instrument (1)

The Muse

by mkb on 06 Sep'12 01:56 in reverse engineering sequencer the muse

emulator of Triadex's The Muse. Comments welcome; I've never used one of these things directly.

reception: gui (1)interesting (1)

Step Sequencer with Midi/Scales/Tuning capabilities

by rukano on 16 Dec'11 09:52 in midi step sequencer sequencer

Very old code I made in my first SuperCollider years. Changed some stuff to not use environment variables. Still works... but, yeah... spaghetti code

Visual demonstration of aliasing/foldover

by jamshark70 on 31 Aug'11 10:49 in educational gui theory nyquist aliasing pen graphic

I needed to demonstrate the importance of the Nyquist frequency to a class, so I wrote this visual, interactive demonstration. Use the slider at the b

reception: informative (1)educational (1)

Attack Detection and Amplitude Threshold Setter GUI

by eli.fieldsteel on 15 Aug'11 00:28 in howto amplitude threshold detection attack onset gui

A modular GUI designed to detect amplitude attacks and set a globally retrievable threshold value.

reception: educational (2)with video (1)
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