«Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 2» by Bruno Ruviaro
on 09 Sep'13 04:44 inAnother interface to experiment with frequency modulation, now using Modulation Index.
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// ************************************ // Frequency Modulation (GUI) // Patch 2 - FM with Modulation Index // Bruno Ruviaro, 2013-08-03 // ************************************ /* Another interface to experiment with frequency modulation, now using Modulation Index. The Modulation Index is arguably a more musical way to control FM. This index I is defined as: I = D/M Modulation Index (I) is the ratio of Frequency Deviation (D) to Modulation Frequency (M). Index is zero = no modulation. Index is small = little audible FM. Index gets higher = the more complex the spectrum. Select all (ctrl + A), then evaluate (ctrl + period). Watch the spectrum on the Frequency Analyzer window. */ s.waitForBoot({ var win, carrFreqKnob, carrFreqNumber, carrFreqLabel, modFreqKnob, modFreqNumber, modFreqLabel, freqDevKnob, freqDevNumber, freqDevLabel, modIndexKnob, modIndexNumber, modIndexLabel, volumeSlider, defaultFont, defaultColor, defaultAlpha, defaultStringColor, carrSpec, modSpec, devSpec, indexSpec, synth; defaultFont = Font("Verdana", 16, bold: true); defaultColor = Color.red(0.8); defaultAlpha = 0.87; defaultStringColor = Color.white; // Main window Window.closeAll; FreqScope.new; win = Window.new("Frequency Modulation", Rect(20, 400, 1020, 280)); win.onClose = {s.freeAll; Window.closeAll; "Frequency Modulation window closed.".postln; "".postln}; win.front; win.background = defaultColor; win.alpha = defaultAlpha; // Carrier Frequency Knob carrSpec = ControlSpec(20, 20000, 'exp', 0, 440, " Hz"); carrFreqKnob = Knob.new(win, Rect(20, 20, 200, 200)) .action = {arg v; var freq = carrSpec.map(v.value); carrFreqNumber.string = freq.round; synth.set(\carrFreq, freq)}; carrFreqKnob.value = carrSpec.unmap(carrSpec.default); // Carrier Frequency Number carrFreqNumber = StaticText.new(win, Rect(80, 210, 80, 25)); carrFreqNumber.background = defaultColor; carrFreqNumber.alpha = defaultAlpha; carrFreqNumber.align = \center; carrFreqNumber.string = carrSpec.default; carrFreqNumber.font = defaultFont; carrFreqNumber.stringColor = defaultStringColor; // Carrier Frequency Label carrFreqLabel = StaticText.new(win, Rect(20, 240, 200, 25)); carrFreqLabel.string = "Carrier Frequency"; carrFreqLabel.align = \center; carrFreqLabel.font = defaultFont; carrFreqLabel.stringColor = defaultStringColor; // Modulator Frequency Knob modSpec = ControlSpec(0.5, 5000, 'exp', 0, 5, " Hz"); modFreqKnob = Knob.new(win, Rect(250, 20, 200, 200)) .action = {arg v; // first update modFreq gui and use it for synth var modFreq, freqDev, modIndex; modFreq = modSpec.map(v.value); modFreqNumber.string = modFreq.round(0.1); synth.set(\modFreq, modFreq); // now update freqDev gui modIndex = indexSpec.map(modIndexKnob.value); freqDev = modIndex * modFreq; freqDevNumber.string = freqDev.round; }; modFreqKnob.value = modSpec.unmap(modSpec.default); // Modulator Frequency Number modFreqNumber = StaticText.new(win, Rect(310, 210, 80, 25)); modFreqNumber.background = defaultColor; modFreqNumber.alpha = defaultAlpha; modFreqNumber.align = \center; modFreqNumber.string = modSpec.default; modFreqNumber.font = defaultFont; modFreqNumber.stringColor = defaultStringColor; // Modulator Frequency Label modFreqLabel = StaticText.new(win, Rect(250, 240, 200, 25)); modFreqLabel.string = "Modulator Frequency"; modFreqLabel.align = \center; modFreqLabel.font = defaultFont; modFreqLabel.stringColor = defaultStringColor; /* Frequency Deviation Knob devSpec = ControlSpec(1, 5000, 'exp', 0, 20, " Hz"); freqDevKnob = Knob.new(win, Rect(480, 20, 200, 200)) .action = {"do nothing".postln;/*arg v; var freq = devSpec.map(v.value); freqDevNumber.string = freq.round; synth.set(\freqDev, freq)*/}; freqDevKnob.value = devSpec.unmap(devSpec.default); */ // Frequency Deviation Number freqDevNumber = StaticText.new(win, Rect(510, 100, 130, 55)); freqDevNumber.background = defaultColor; freqDevNumber.alpha = defaultAlpha; freqDevNumber.align = \center; freqDevNumber.string = 0; // initial value freqDevNumber.font = Font("Verdana", 36, bold: true); freqDevNumber.stringColor = Color.red(0.5); // Frequency Deviation Label freqDevLabel = StaticText.new(win, Rect(480, 240, 200, 25)); freqDevLabel.string = "Frequency Deviation"; freqDevLabel.align = \center; freqDevLabel.font = defaultFont; freqDevLabel.stringColor = Color.red(0.5); // Modulation Index Knob indexSpec = ControlSpec(0, 10, 'lin', 0, 0, "modIndex"); modIndexKnob = Knob.new(win, Rect(710, 20, 200, 200)) .action = {arg v; var modIndex, modFreq, freqDev; // update index gui, use it for synth modIndex = indexSpec.map(v.value); modIndexNumber.string = modIndex.round(0.01); synth.set(\modIndex, modIndex); // now update freqDev gui modFreq = modSpec.map(modFreqKnob.value); freqDev = modIndex * modFreq; freqDevNumber.string = freqDev.round; }; modIndexKnob.value = indexSpec.unmap(indexSpec.default); // Modulation Index Number modIndexNumber = StaticText.new(win, Rect(770, 210, 80, 25)); modIndexNumber.background = defaultColor; modIndexNumber.alpha = defaultAlpha; modIndexNumber.align = \center; modIndexNumber.string = indexSpec.default; modIndexNumber.font = defaultFont; modIndexNumber.stringColor = defaultStringColor; // Modulation Index Label modIndexLabel = StaticText.new(win, Rect(710, 240, 200, 25)); modIndexLabel.string = "Modulation Index"; modIndexLabel.align = \center; modIndexLabel.font = defaultFont; modIndexLabel.stringColor = defaultStringColor; // Volume Slider volumeSlider = EZSlider( parent: win, bounds: Rect(930, 20, 70, 230), label: "VOLUME", controlSpec: ControlSpec(-40, 0, \lin, 0.1, -36, "dB"), action: {|ez| synth.set(\amp, ez.value.dbamp)}, labelWidth: 80, unitWidth: 30, layout: 'vert') .setColors( stringColor: defaultStringColor, sliderBackground: Color.grey(0.9), numNormalColor: Color.black) .font = Font("Verdana", 14, bold: true); volumeSlider.numberView.align = \center; volumeSlider.unitView.align = \center; { SynthDef("freq-mod-by-index", { arg carrFreq = 440, modFreq = 5, modIndex = 0, amp = 0.015; var carrier, modulator, freqDev; // from formula i = freqDev/modfreq: freqDev = modIndex * modFreq; modulator = SinOsc.ar(freq: modFreq, mul: freqDev); carrier = SinOsc.ar(freq: carrFreq + modulator, mul: amp); Out.ar(0, [carrier, carrier]); }).add; s.sync; synth = Synth("freq-mod-by-index"); }.fork; CmdPeriod.doOnce({win.close}); }); // end of waitForBoot