«Attack Detection and Amplitude Threshold Setter GUI» by eli.fieldsteel
on 15 Aug'11 00:28 inA modular GUI designed to detect amplitude attacks and set a globally retrievable threshold value.
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// VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFLj7yJzp60 ( s = Server.local; ~threshTest = nil; s.waitForBoot({ SynthDef(\threshTest, { arg thresh=(-30); var sig, amp, trig; sig = SoundIn.ar(0); amp = Amplitude.kr(sig).ampdb; amp = K2A.ar(amp); trig = amp >= thresh; SendReply.ar(Impulse.ar(50), 'trigVal', [trig]); }).add; w = Window.new("amplitude threshold tester", Rect(600, 250, 950, 220)).front; w.view.background_(Color.gray(0.75)); w.onClose_({s.freeAll}); ~numberBox = NumberBox.new(w, Rect(180, 25, 450, 120)) .font_(Font("Helvetica", 108)) .value_(-30) .action_({ |nb| nb.value.postln; ~knob.value_((nb.value.dbamp) / (~maxValSlider.value.dbamp)); if(~threshTest.notNil, { if(~threshTest.group.class == Group, {~threshTest.set(\thresh, nb.value)}, {} ); }, {} ); }); ~knob = Knob.new(w, Rect(20, 20, 150, 150)) .background_(Color.gray(0.75)) .color_([Color.blue(0.9,0.5), Color.green(0.65), Color.gray(0.6), Color.black]) .value_(~numberBox.value.dbamp) .action_({ |knob| ~numberBox.valueAction_((knob.value * ~maxValSlider.value.dbamp).ampdb); }); ~maxValSlider = EZSlider( w, Rect(20, 160, 612, 40), "knob max", ControlSpec.new(-90,0,\lin,0.1,0,""), { |slider| ~numberBox.valueAction_((~knob.value * slider.value.dbamp).ampdb) }, 1, false, 120, 65, 0, 20, \horz, 2@2, 2@2 ) .setColors(knobColor:Color.blue(0.9,0.5)) .font_(Font("Helvetica", 24)); ~testButton = Button.new(w, Rect(650, 25, 160, 40)) .states_([ ["start test", Color.white, Color.green(0.65)], ["stop test", Color.white, Color.red(0.65)] ]) .action_({ |but| case {but.value == 0} {~threshTest.free} {but.value == 1} {~threshTest = Synth(\threshTest, [\thresh, ~numberBox.value])}; }) .font_(Font("Helvetica", 32)); ~received = TextView(w, Rect(750, 95, 170, 60)) .visible_(false) .editable_(false) .string_("received") .font_(Font("Helvetica", 42)) .stringColor_(Color.black) .background_(Color.gray(0.725)); w.drawHook = { |v| Pen.fillColor = Color.gray(0.75); Pen.strokeColor = Color.black; Pen.width = 3; Pen.addArc(700@125, 35, 0, 2pi); Pen.fillStroke; }; w.refresh; ~oscr1.remove; ~oscr1 = OSCresponder(nil, 'trigVal', { |time, resp, msg| if( msg[3] == 1, { Routine { w.drawHook = { |v| Pen.fillColor = Color.green; Pen.strokeColor = Color.black; Pen.width = 3; Pen.addArc(700@125, 35, 0, 2pi); Pen.fillStroke; }; w.refresh; ~received.visible_(true); 0.1.wait; w.drawHook = { |v| Pen.fillColor = Color.gray(0.75); Pen.strokeColor = Color.black; Pen.width = 3; Pen.addArc(700@125, 35, 0, 2pi); Pen.fillStroke; }; w.refresh; ~received.visible_(false); }.play(AppClock); }, {} ); }).add; }) )
full graph
«Re: Attack Detection and Amplitude Threshold Setter GUI» by anonymous (private)
Interesting, thanks. For the sake of anyone else happening by here, in SC 3.6 'drawHook' appears to be deprecated, replace with 'drawFunc', and in line 78 the font size I think should be 32, not 42.
What key command were you hitting in the server window to get that popup which showed the synths being instantiated? And how do you do that in 3.6?