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by bateslewis on 05 Feb'13 18:36 in

last one was just extended synthDefs - this is the FM version I meant to put up....


by bateslewis on 04 Feb'13 12:27 in

original example using PMOsc instead

reception: informative (1)gui (1)random (1)cool (1)instrument (1)

The Muse

by mkb on 06 Sep'12 01:56 in reverse engineering sequencer the muse

emulator of Triadex's The Muse. Comments welcome; I've never used one of these things directly.

reception: gui (1)interesting (1)


by rukano on 19 Jun'12 02:00 in sequencer

Just for fun and a demonstration of gui/2Darrays/synths/tasks in less than 30 lines.

SlimLauncher 1.0

by Schemawound on 09 May'12 15:07 in gui class launcher tool extension helper

Blog post describing this class:

reception: useful (1)

Re: Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only), adapted to use SoundFile:cue

by LFSaw on 30 Apr'12 13:07 in gui sampler code fork loader soundfile

*Needs Qt GUI (VLayout)* ----- Basic GUI for loading samples and playing them via button presses. Differences to the original version by rukano:

reception: nice (1)useful (1)soundboard (1)

Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only)

by rukano on 22 Apr'12 00:14 in gui sampler loader

Pretty simple GUI (button per sample) for loading samples into buffers and playing them from GUI buttons. !!! Needs Qt GUI !!! (VLayout)

reception: cool (1)basic (1)works (1)example (1)

The Tunnel

by Schemawound on 18 Apr'12 16:47 in noise drone

This code contains three sections, the first defines the synthdef. The second starts up the synth and the GUI for playing with the presets live. Th

Looping Station

by rukano on 10 Feb'12 19:42 in looper

GUI for recording and playing quantized loops. If you change the tempo, hit on refresh. You can change the output bus for the click (first variable

reception: nice (1)useful (1)

OSC to MIDI converter (GUI)

by rukano on 04 Jan'12 21:04 in midi osc converter

Code written in about 1 hour trying to emulate gui and behaviour of osculator. Ended up being just a OSC to MIDI CC converter... but it's open to othe

reception: useful (1)

Step Sequencer with Midi/Scales/Tuning capabilities

by rukano on 16 Dec'11 09:52 in midi step sequencer sequencer

Very old code I made in my first SuperCollider years. Changed some stuff to not use environment variables. Still works... but, yeah... spaghetti code


by vividsnow on 19 Nov'11 17:45 in gui code fork sequencer random step

bulging version of [simple rand-n-step]( but with comments, which maybe helpful to reuse this stuff it seems, someday, it sh


by vividsnow on 15 Nov'11 01:28 in gui sequencer random step

simple gui step sequencer of PMOsc-based random instruments note: modify variables "dims" and "resolution" to change number of instruments/steps an

Attack Detection and Amplitude Threshold Setter GUI

by eli.fieldsteel on 15 Aug'11 00:28 in howto amplitude threshold detection attack onset gui

A modular GUI designed to detect amplitude attacks and set a globally retrievable threshold value.

reception: educational (2)with video (1)
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