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freeze playback
by LFSaw on 03 Jul'23 10:31 inExplore options to freeze playback of a sound file (a) by playhead movement (b) by FFT freeze
Spectral Cross-Synthesis
by zecraum on 26 Jun'23 00:54 inBy Nathaniel Virgo. See This comes from the mailing list as an attempt to simulate
SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost
by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n
LfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments
by bernhard on 10 Dec'20 12:56 inLfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments for a course at HKB Bern
Doppler Pitch Shift
by kennethflak on 05 Nov'20 09:09 inA first attempt to port a doppler pitch shifter following this tutorial: to SuperCollider from Max.
In-between, longing
by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 inThis is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas
Paulstretch for SuperCollider
by jpdrecourt on 07 Apr'20 09:46 inThis is a port of the basic Paulstretch algorithm to SuperCollider (no onset detection). Mono version, for stereo, use 2 instances hard panned. The so
reception: thanks (1)blippoo Box
by olaf on 23 May'19 23:26 inThis is a implementation of the blippoo box as it is documented in the article "The Blippoo Box: A Chaotic Electronic Music Instrument, Bent by Design
Stutter live looping buffer
by blueprint on 25 Jan'18 12:10 inThe stutter tutorial really has it all. Just not with live audio :)
El Cubito de Chuito by Roy Fernando Guzmán, 3d Sound using Liminal Spatialization System.
by Roy F Guzmán on 06 Feb'16 09:45 inThis code is using Duty UGens in order to produce a SynthDefs to spatialize sound in 3d with out creating Classes.
Stutter tutorial
by snappizz on 01 Feb'16 06:27 inStutter effects grab a small segment of live audio and play it back. It is a popular effect in electronic music, independently invented and developed
reception: instructional (1)just to round out the examples (1)im posting a stutterlivelooper (1)GrainSin and Feedback
by rumush on 06 Jan'16 20:39 inA patch I made today that explores GrainSin with feedback with FreqShift and Allpass chain. Mess around with parameters, if you get something nice, le
experiments in detecting fast onsets with Amplitude UGens
by julian.rohrhuber on 19 Dec'15 20:57 inA series of consecutive experiments (all results visualised as plots) that try to detect onsets in a noisy signal.
Re: SCTweets
by rumush on 10 Nov'15 09:16 inA collection of glitch functions inspired by nathanielvirgo's tweet - You've opened a new world to me :) You can find his function at the very top.
Band-limited hard sync oscillator
by nathanielvirgo on 09 Oct'15 10:19 inI've always wanted a band limited version of the SyncSaw UGen. After taking a look at [1], I realised it's actually quite easy to implement this in Su
Grain Freeze
by patrickryanmcminn on 21 Jul'15 18:43 inSynthDef for capturing and holding incoming audio as a drone
Radial loudness meter
by snappizz on 08 Jun'15 00:25 inShort-time loudness is represented by an outer arc, and long-term loudness is represented with a circular graph showing the loudness over the last 60s