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example fft sc->processing v2

by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 Aug'14 00:21 in processing

an extended version of this one sends 3 streams of spectral data at the same time - high, mid and low filtered. note: quite

reception: useful (1)

beat grid

by vividsnow on 16 Jul'14 01:57 in rhythmic beat prototype metre grid

prototype of simple metre beat grid running on server w/ synced TempoBusClock

kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick

Receiving NIMate generated OSC messages

by rev on 13 Jun'14 12:47 in theremin kinect nimate osc receiver

Simple Theremin receiving OSC messages generated by NIMate via a MS Kinect. The code is raw and contains arbitrary mapping. Works with "Full Skeleton

Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine

by nathan on 01 Feb'14 18:26 in sampler aleatoric

This piece is a demonstration of the Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine, a project I am working on to explore possible interfaces between human and non-hum

Algorithmic melancholy

by ttsesmetzis on 26 Jan'14 20:00 in generative

20140103_1504 (pluck piece)

by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 in random karpusstrong

New piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and

wobble bass

by grirgz on 11 Nov'13 04:48 in bass wobble dubstep jitlib

Subtractive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:06 in subtractive synthesis quneo white noise

QuNeo pads play filtered white noise. Midinote becomes center frequency of a Band Pass Filter.

Waveshaping Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 05:01 in gui synthesis techniques waveshaping

Graphical interface for experimenting with waveshape synthesis.

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:57 in gui patterns synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Translucent "pad" interface to play with subtractive synthesis. White noise triggered by either Impulses of LFPulse, then filtered by a Band Pass Filt

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 4

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:35 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques inharmonic partials

Multislider interface to control up to 16 inharmonic partials of a timbre. Two modes of play: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 3

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:33 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques inharmonic partials

2 button rows to play up to 16 inharmonic partials of a given fundamental frequency. Horizontal Sliders control ADSR envelope, Global Volume, and Fund

Additive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:29 in gui additive synthesis synthesis techniques

Multislider interface to control 32 partials of a harmonic series. Two modes of playing: "Continuous Tone" - it simply plays a continuous tone as you

example fft sc->processing

by Fredrik Olofsson on 30 Apr'13 18:04 in processing

template code for sending lots of data (1024 fft values 61 times per second) from sc to processing. sound function from an old sc-tweet. updated to

Infinite rhythmic marimba clusters

by eli.fieldsteel on 04 Mar'13 19:24 in rhythmic relaxed endless clusters reverb spatialization mellow hypnotic marimba

Infinite reverberant rhythmic clusters with a marimba-like timbre.

reception: impressive (1)organic (1)neat (1)

(mono) looper on Ndef basis

by LFSaw on 04 Feb'13 21:15 in looper basic ndef

very basic, more explanation and a sound example here:


by Schemawound on 14 Jan'13 03:15 in dystimbria

"BEASTS(Homunculus-Basilisk)" By Schemawound Released by Dystimbria []( All code by Jonathan Siemas

Musical Toys For Little Robots

by mimetikmusic on 31 Dec'12 13:25 in algorithmic aleatoric patterns mallets

An algorithmic/aleatoric composition for mallets and proxy patterns