Search for «Buffer»doc code in class tags
more fun with patternproxies, feat. a hack to access internals of the EventStreamPlayer
by alln4tural on 25 Oct'12 17:39 inpossibly too-detailed demo of using functions to generate patterns, and then a function to modify the internals of the resulting EventStreamPlayers wh
reception: cool (1)useful (1)Granular display
by tommaisey on 15 Oct'12 04:13 inMy first post to sccode! A display which visualises a granularised sound file. Each grain is represented by a dot which moves across the waveform of t
reception: educational (1)gui (2)nice (1)impressive (1)cool (1)granular (2)Nooge
by rwentk on 14 Sep'12 03:04 inSort of analog-ish non-shiny largo pads modulating forever.
reception: analog (1)relaxed (1)awesome (1)beautiful (1)va (1)wow (1)arbitrary nonlinear filter
by mesmeon on 03 Sep'12 05:13 inrun first code block, then second, then third. re-run third block to randomly generate a new array of filter parameters. processes standard audio in a
NX102 (La ment no té límits)
by on 08 Aug'12 22:43 inSemideterministic JitLib Code for Experimental Livecoding.
Granular electromaton
by William Mox Drossard on 08 Aug'12 16:33 inHi to all SCaddicts, This is my first post here, hope you'll enjoy it. Rhythmic automaton with some nice *hope so* effects.
reception: cool (1)fun (1)sctweets by redFrik
by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 inmy collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with
reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)sctweets by rukano
by rukano on 10 Jul'12 16:01 inStill trying to find more so I can have a collection of all my tweets here
reception: awesome (1)collection (2)redfrikfan (1)inspiration (1)danger loud click
by alln4tural on 26 May'12 23:12 incan anyone tell me what the loud click is, and how to control it? i kind of really like it, but it sounds scary, and the resulting waveform is
sonic focal depth
by danstowell on 15 May'12 00:06 inTen layers of sound, all constantly running, yet only one is in "sharp focus" at any time. Move the mouse up and down to control the focal depth. b
reception: interesting (1)Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only)
by rukano on 22 Apr'12 00:14 inPretty simple GUI (button per sample) for loading samples into buffers and playing them from GUI buttons. !!! Needs Qt GUI !!! (VLayout)
reception: cool (1)basic (1)works (1)example (1)Abusing Convolution2 to make pitch
by jamshark70 on 01 Apr'12 02:36 inInspired by Formlet, which does something like formant synthesis by outputting short sinusoidal grains in response to impulses, I thought, what if we
SpeechRender / SpeechBuffer
by rukano on 11 Feb'12 19:35 inLittle class I made two years ago to generate buffers out of the speech synthesis engine in Mac OS X. If there is something similar from the command
Looping Station
by rukano on 10 Feb'12 19:42 inGUI for recording and playing quantized loops. If you change the tempo, hit on refresh. You can change the output bus for the click (first variable
reception: nice (1)useful (1)bufferdisplay
by redFrik on 10 Feb'12 18:53 inworks with both qt and cocoa. i get a steady 60fps on my machine. try lowering 'l= 1024' at the top if it's too heavy on your cpu.
reception: useful (1)awesome (1)timesink (1)f0 sound detector
by redFrik on 31 Dec'11 16:58 inautomatically record sound into buffers - with playback
reception: useful (1)XL Kaos Looper
by axl99 on 29 Nov'11 22:32 inAn 'all-in-one' live looping synth with the ability to switch between the regular loop player and one that loops smaller fractions of the loop. Inspir
ScoreClock, Patterns, RT/NRT and server-side resources
by jamshark70 on 12 Nov'11 03:20 inA quick demo of one way to allocate server-side resources (SynthDefs, Buffers) that works in RT/NRT with minimal modification. You'll need Jonatan
reception: informative (1)educational (1)