«Nooge» by rwentk
on 14 Sep'12 03:04 inSort of analog-ish non-shiny largo pads modulating forever.
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//Drifty noodle machine ( SynthDef(\StereoModDelay, { arg //Chorus delay with EQ in the feedback loop //for that vintage tape echo mood bufferL, bufferR, time = 1.5, fb = 0.8, modRate = 5.5, modDepth = 0.0005, eqFc = 800, eqQ = 3; var signal, tapPhase, tap, tapPhaseL, tapPhaseR, tapL, tapR; var timeMod, eqMod; //Drop the input slightly to avoid clicky clipping signal = 0.7*In.ar(18, 2); signal = signal + LocalIn.ar(2); timeMod = LFDNoise3.ar(modRate, modDepth); eqMod = LFDNoise3.kr(1, 400); tapPhaseL = DelTapWr.ar(bufferL, signal[0]); tapL = DelTapRd.ar(bufferL, tapPhaseL, time+LFDNoise3.ar(modRate, modDepth), 2); tapL = BBandPass.ar(tapL, eqFc+eqMod, eqQ); tapPhaseR = DelTapWr.ar(bufferR, signal[1]); tapR = DelTapRd.ar(bufferR, tapPhaseR, time+LFDNoise3.ar(modRate, modDepth), 2); tapR = BBandPass.ar(tapR, eqFc+eqMod, eqQ); //Restore the output level Out.ar(0,[1.4*tapL, 1.4*tapR]); LocalOut.ar(fb*[tapR, tapL]); }).add; SynthDef(\Filters, { arg //Slowly varying bp filter applied across the mix //Creates a subtle phasing effect cutoffBase = 500, cutoffMod = 2000, resBase = 0.3, lpVol = 0, bpVol = 1, hpVol = 0, notchVol = 0, peakVol = 0; var signal = In.ar(16,2); //Modulated sine wave modulation source var modSig = SinOsc.ar(0.05+0.5*LFDNoise3(1), 0, 0.5, 0.5); //Two 12dB LPFs for 24db total // var output = SVF.ar(signal, cutoffBase + (modSig*cutoffMod), resBase, lpVol, bpVol, hpVol, notchVol, peakVol); output = 4*SVF.ar(output, cutoffBase + (modSig*cutoffMod), resBase, lpVol, bpVol, hpVol, notchVol, peakVol); Out.ar([0,1], output); Out.ar([18, 19], output); }).add; SynthDef(\ChMach, { arg f=440, width = 0.5, modFreq = 1, aTime = 5, rTime = 5, filter = 2, filterQ = 0, pan = 0.5; var env = EnvGen.ar(Env([0.01,1,0.01],[aTime, rTime], 'exp'), doneAction:2); var input = Vibrato.ar(VarSaw.ar(f, 0, LFNoise2.kr(1)), 5, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7); var theSine = SinOsc.ar(f); // var theSaw = VarSaw.ar(f*1.5, 0, width); // Emulate six unsynched LFOs driving six comparators for a multi-pulse chorus var oscs = 6; var scaler = 1/oscs; var lfo1 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*1.51); var lfo2 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*1.11); var lfo3 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*1.31); var lfo4 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*0.71); var lfo5 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*0.61); var lfo6 = LFTri.ar(modFreq*0.51); var comp1 = input > lfo1; var comp2 = input > lfo2; var comp3 = input > lfo3; var comp4 = input > lfo4; var comp5 = input > lfo5; var comp6 = input > lfo6; var output = scaler*(comp1+comp2+comp3+comp4+comp5+comp6); //Add a hint of fundamental for body output = output+0.001*theSine; output = 0.01*LeakDC.ar(output, 0.9995); //Doubled Moog with overdrive. //Mmmm yeah. output = MoogFF.ar(output.tanh*20.0, (f*filter)+LFNoise2.ar(1, 400, 1), LFNoise2.ar(0,3.5, 0)); output = MoogFF.ar(output*4, f*LFNoise2.kr(0.2, 6, 4), 0.5); output = 2*env*output.tanh; Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(output, pan)); Out.ar(16, Pan2.ar(output, pan)); Out.ar(18, Pan2.ar(output, pan)); }).add; ); ( var g=Group.basicNew(s,1); var stereoBuffer1L = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate*3, 1); var stereoBuffer1R = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate*3, 1); var monoBuffer1 = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate*2, 1); var rootPitch=36; // Start on a C var stopTranspose = 0; var transposeCount = 10; //Wait a while after transposing to minimise semitone clashes //Non-ET pentatonic ratios var thisRatio = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.125, 1.333333, 1.5, 1.6875, 2, 2.25, 2.6666666, 3, 3.375, 4, 5]; var thisPitch; var svf = Synth.tail(g, \Filters); var d = Synth.tail(g, \StereoModDelay); stereoBuffer1L.zero; stereoBuffer1R.zero; d.set(\bufferL, stereoBuffer1L); d.set(\bufferR, stereoBuffer1R); thisPitch = thisRatio.choose*rootPitch.midicps; //First few notes have a slow attack and longer interval {4.do { Synth.head(g, \ChMach, [\f, thisPitch, \width, rrand(0,1), \pan, rrand(-1,1), \aTime, rrand(5,15), \rTime, rrand(7,20), \filter, rrand(4,10), \filterQ, rrand(0,3.7), \modFreq, rrand(0.7,1.5)]); rrand(1,3).wait; } }; //Pick a note from the pentatonic scale with somewhat random settings //and slowly noodle around the circle of fifths {inf.do { thisPitch = thisRatio.choose*rootPitch.midicps; stopTranspose = stopTranspose + 1; Synth.head(g, \ChMach, [\f, thisPitch, \width, rrand(0,1), \pan, rrand(-1,1), \aTime, rrand(0.01,15), \rTime, rrand(7,20), \filter, rrand(4,10), \filterQ, rrand(0,3.7), \modFreq, rrand(0.7,1.5)]); if ((0.04.coin) && (stopTranspose > transposeCount)) { stopTranspose = 0; rootPitch = rootPitch + 7; if (rootPitch > 47) {rootPitch = rootPitch - 12}; rootPitch.postln; }; rrand(0.1,2).wait; } }.fork; )
Nice - lynch on vhs.
this is beautiful and awesome!
wonderful! One question, couldn't you just modulate a DelayC rather than use DelTapWr+DelTapRd? The read head never catches up to the write head so it's just a varying delay
so beautiful.