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Simple performance script to launch patterns a la Ableton
by misc29377 on 15 Feb'25 00:48 inThis script was my first Supercollider project to create a performance tool something similar like Ableton Live. The script sets up a reverb and d
Far Enough
by iakamuri on 10 Apr'24 16:32 inIt is the first short composition, that I fully implemented in SuperCollider, it utilizes traditional synthesis techniques and feedback, exploring sco
music for airports inspired generative music
by infinite digits on 01 Dec'21 18:32 inthis is a infinite generative song based on Eno's Music for Airports. I realize this could be split up into different SynthDef's and sequenced with
SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost
by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n
Eternal Elevator Ensemble
by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 inLegend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip
In-between, longing
by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 inThis is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas
Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana'
by deafwalker on 26 Jun'20 20:42 inA SuperCollider rendition of the orchestral intermezzo from Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana' by Eli FieldSteel
Piano phase
by jpdrecourt on 07 Apr'20 13:39 inEarly experimentation with patterns. Attempt at recreating Piano Phase by Steve Reich with random part lengths.
THX Deep Note reconstruction
by nicolaariutti on 26 Oct'19 16:22 inSo long i've been waiting to work on it and this is my attempt in recreating the iconic sound of THX logo using SC. I've tried to follow instructions
by nicolaariutti on 19 Oct'19 23:18 inmaking some experiments I came out with this sound which resambles a cello to me. Let me know in the comments below what do you think about it. Plea
Wavetable Synthesis Patterns
by eli.fieldsteel on 05 Jun'19 23:22 inSome sketches with wavetable synthesis patterns developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 23 on YouTube:
FM Patterns
by eli.fieldsteel on 22 May'19 16:57 inPattern-based frequency modulation synthesis sketches developed in connection with SuperCollider Tutorial 22 on YouTube:
reception: game music (1)ChannelStrip
by meunier.fabien on 10 Nov'18 20:16 inA channel strip and master bus SynthDef to create your own mixer, be carefull cause you can create feedback loops by feeding channel A into channel B
Spacey Synth example
by Bruno Ruviaro on 19 Jan'18 17:44 inExample reworked and extended from It outputs MONO as it was designed for SCLOrk
stranger things
by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 14:43 inFirst 30 seconds or so of the obligatory "stranger things" theme. I didn't make any serious attempt to perfectly clone the original sounds, but I feel
Movie without images
by 56228375 on 25 Jul'17 00:06 inRequires supercollider 3.9dev. (But you probably can use older versions if your replace Done.freeSelf with number 2.) All sounds are synthesised - no
by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially
random 303
by devilfish404 on 16 Aug'13 15:13 ini found this somewhere as an example of obtrusive coding. i don't know who the original author is, sorry. I cleaned it a bit up as a study tool for my