

This account is for migrating some code snippets from the old wiki. (@snappizz is managing this.)

codepool's code

Straighten Up!

27 Apr'17 22:17 in effectautotunepitch correction

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Add it up!

27 Apr'17 22:16 in oscillator

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Clock Difference

27 Apr'17 22:15 in synchronizationclocktiming

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Collapsible Views

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Color Picker

27 Apr'17 22:13 in Color PickerColor Picker

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Double Oscer

27 Apr'17 22:12 in oscillator

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Fun With Dseq

27 Apr'17 22:11 in

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.


27 Apr'17 22:10 in Gabun/BavariaGabun/Bavaria

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Taube Eulen

27 Apr'17 22:08 in Taube EulenTaube Eulen

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.


27 Apr'17 22:07 in live codingjitlib

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Fed Up with Feedback

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.


27 Apr'17 22:05 in live codingjitlib

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Scgraph sound and vision

27 Apr'17 22:02 in Scgraph sound and vision

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Scgraph sound and vision part 2

27 Apr'17 22:01 in scgraph

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Simple Trapset

27 Apr'17 21:59 in drumstrap set

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.