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Re: Dissonator with Steno
by julian.rohrhuber on 16 Jun'15 18:51 inHere is a remix in the language Steno.
Modanung - Return of the King
by Modanung on 05 Jun'15 00:47 inThe final version had a preverb added to it in Audacity. It can be found here:
Bugger Soundtrack
by Modanung on 03 Jun'15 23:33 inThis will be the sound track for Bugger, a Frogger clone that started as a school assignment. Simple SynthDef using Pluck, and a few Pbinds. Bugg
reception: great plucking instrument (1)Re: ... got one, thnx!
by J. Simon van der Walt on 03 Aug'14 22:49 inModulating GVerb roomsize, among other things
Re: An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback -- nanokontrol NNdef version
by miguel-negrao on 22 Jun'14 14:20 inFM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback! Version for nanocontrol: 3x3 matrix indexes - 9 faders freqs, first 3 knobs amps, second group of
Re: The Sounds of Fibonacci
by ttsesmetzis on 18 Mar'14 17:42 inPisano periods for rythmic patterns.
Re: Algorithmic melancholy
by grirgz on 27 Jan'14 23:35 inA little fork. I left all the old code for historical reasons
Re: network of loosely connected nodes (now working)
by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 20:30 inIdea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (
Mono2eN - Ndef, slightly altered
by LFSaw on 26 Mar'13 18:01 inThe ndef version of the mono2eN system, slightly adapted - a multichannel autospatilisation musical performance tool.
wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting, language implementation (pattern-based)
by LFSaw on 22 Mar'13 18:56 inwiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting. Re-implemented according to Julian Parker's m4l patch. Derived from an answer
wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting, language implementation (task-based)
by LFSaw on 20 Mar'13 20:02 inwiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting. Reimplemented according to Julian Parker's m4l patch.
more, more, more ( was Re: endless Roger Corman movie
by alln4tural on 03 Nov'12 17:29 ina remix with more melodic content, and -- more importantly -- more zapguns. * [](https://tw
Re: Chicago Chord Pad
by grirgz on 30 Jul'12 15:11 ina little fork of the Chicago chord pad. Edit: eliminate the click by replacing adsr by dadsr
reception: relaxed (1)cool (1)Re: cosmic organ
by vividsnow on 05 May'12 13:02 incosmic organ expansion )
reception: awesome (1)organ (1)Re: Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only), adapted to use SoundFile:cue
by LFSaw on 30 Apr'12 13:07 in*Needs Qt GUI (VLayout)* ----- Basic GUI for loading samples and playing them via button presses. Differences to the original version by rukano:
reception: nice (1)useful (1)soundboard (1)Re: Dark sea horns
by Schemawound on 06 Mar'12 18:54 inSomething I put together a while back by forking Dark Sea Horns
reception: deep (1)