«Re: An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback -- nanokontrol NNdef version» by miguel-negrao
on 22 Jun'14 14:20 inFM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback!
Version for nanocontrol: 3x3 matrix
indexes - 9 faders freqs, first 3 knobs amps, second group of 3 knobs
Needs NNDef from FPLib and Modality https://github.com/miguel-negrao/FPLib https://github.com/ModalityTeam/Modality-toolkit
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/////////////////////////////////////////// // a basic FM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback. ( NNdef(\fmMatrix, { var numOscs = 3; var k = MIDIMKtl('nnkn0').elements; var freqs = k[\kn][0][..2].collect{ |e| e.enIn.enKr.linlin(0,1,20,5000) }; var amps = k[\kn][0][3..5].collect{ |e| e.enIn.enKr }; var modIndex = k[\sl][0].collect{ |e| e.enIn.enKr.linlin(0,1,0.0,4.0) }.clump(numOscs); var feedbacks = LocalIn.ar(numOscs); var oscs = [freqs, modIndex].flopWith{ |freq, mods| SinOsc.ar( freq + [feedbacks, mods].flopWith{ |feedback, modi| freq * modi * feedback }.sum ) }; LocalOut.ar(oscs); Splay.ar(oscs * amps); }) ) NdefMixer(s)
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