«MIDI value recorder» by LFSaw
on 12 Mar'19 22:36 insimple MIDI data recorder. records MIDI into an array. Save data as ".mid" file (readable e.g. by Ableton Live).
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// requires SimpleMIDI from wslib quark "wslib".include; MIDIClient.init; MIDIIn.connectAll; /* MIDIFunc.trace; // show all MIDI messages coming in MIDIFunc.trace(false); // show all MIDI messages coming in */ q = (); ( q.data = []; // an array of the form // [ // [ 0 , type, channel, val1, val2 ], // [ dt, type, channel, val1, val2 ], // ... // ] q.startTime = nil; q.responders = [\noteOn, \noteOff, \polytouch, \cc, \program, \touch, \bend].collect{|msgType| MIDIFunc({|...args| var time = Date.getDate.rawSeconds; var val, ctlNum, chan, src; msgType.postln; // handle arguments for different msgTypes [\noteOn, \noteOff, \control, \polytouch ].includes(msgType).if({ # val, ctlNum, chan, src = args; args.postln; },{ # val, chan, src = args; }); // correct message type to correspond to SimpleMIDIFile format // [msgType, val, ctlNum, chan, src].postln; // for first element, set startTime to current raw seconds q.startTime.isNil.if({ q.startTime = time; }); // for each MIDI message, write an array to data: q.data = q.data.add( // [ time, type, channel, val1, val2 ] ctlNum.notNil.if({ [ time - q.startTime, msgType, chan, ctlNum, val ] }, { [ time - q.startTime, msgType, chan, val] }) ); }, msgType: (msgType == \cc).if({\control}, {msgType}); ) } ) // all your data // belongs to us q.data.printAll; // write data to MIDI file (requires wslib) q.writeData = { var filePath = thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname +/+ "MIDI-%.mid".format(Date.getDate.stamp); var mFile = SimpleMIDIFile( filePath ); // create empty file mFile.init1( 1, 120, "4/4" ); // init for type 1 (multitrack); 3 tracks, 120bpm, 4/4 measures mFile.timeMode = \seconds; // change from default to something useful // m.pitchBendMode = ??? TODO mFile.addAllMIDIEvents( q.data.collect{|row| [0] ++ row }, true ); mFile.adjustEndOfTrack; // mFile.midiEvents.dopostln; // all midi events // mFile.metaEvents.dopostln; // notice the incorrect 'endOfTrack' events for track 1 & 2; mFile.write(filePath) } ////////////////////// WRITE DATA q.writeData // after usage, remove responders q.responders.do(_.free) ////////////////////// TEST /* MIDIClient.destinations; // list array of destinations */ m = MIDIOut(0); m.connect m.latency = 0 m.control(chan: 1, ctlNum: 2, val: 127.rand); m.noteOn(16, 127.rand, 128.rand); m.noteOff(16, 61, 60); m.allNotesOff(16);
Thanks for this!