«Risset rhythm» by snappizz
on 06 Mar'16 21:04 inbuffer playback with eternal accelerando rhythm
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// See http://c4dm.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/papers/2011/Stowell2011icmc.pdf // use any shortish 4/4 drum loop b = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/break2.aiff"); b.free; ( SynthDef(\risset, { |out = 0, buf, megabardur = 3.0, bufdur = 3.0, level = 0, bandwidth = 1, centerrate = 1, dir = 1| var t, rate, snd, power; t = Sweep.kr * dir; rate = bufdur * 2.log / megabardur * pow(2, t / megabardur + level); power = (pi * bandwidth * 0.5 * log2(rate / centerrate)).clip2(pi).cos + 1 / 2; snd = PlayBuf.ar(1, b, BufRateScale.kr(b) * rate, loop: 1) * power; EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 0], [megabardur]), doneAction: 2); Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(snd)); }).add; ) ( // amount of time it takes for the audio to speed up or slow down 2x // the rhythm repeats seamlessly every megabar var megabardur = 20.0; Pbind( \instrument, \risset, \buf, b, \megabardur, megabardur, \dur, megabardur, \bufdur, b.duration, \level, (0..5), \bandwidth, 0.8, // adjust this if the illusion isn't very convincing \centerrate, 1.0, \dir, 1 // 1 for accel, -1 for decel ).play; )
see also https://sc-users.bham.ac.narkive.com/Qdtp11n7/risset-accelerando