«electric hum» by LFSaw
on 26 May'17 11:10 inExample sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques
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( Ndef(\eHum).addSpec(\fFreq, ControlSpec(25, 1000, \lin, step: 25)); Ndef(\eHum).addSpec(\fRq, [0.01, 0.2]); Ndef(\eHum).addSpec(\fFreqIdx, [0, 8, \lin, 0.2]); Ndef(\eHum).fadeTime = 2; Ndef(\eHum, {|fFreqIdx = 1, fRq = 0.1| var src = Impulse.ar([50, 75, 100]); // three sources var fFreq = (25 * (2 ** fFreqIdx)); Splay.ar((BPF.ar(src, fFreq, fRq))* 8) }) ) Ndef(\eHum).gui;