«wind» by LFSaw
on 26 May'17 11:24 inExample sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques
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( Ndef(\noise).addSpec(\mFreq, [0.1, 8, \lin]); Ndef(\noise).addSpec(\fFreq, [100, 8000, \exp]); Ndef(\noise).addSpec(\fRq, [0.01, 2, \lin]); Ndef(\noise).fadeTime = 10; Ndef(\noise, {|mFreq = 0.1, fFreq = 1348, fRq = 0.5| var src, mod; mod = {LFNoise2.ar(mFreq).range(0, 1)}!6; src = WhiteNoise.ar(mod.lagud(1, 4)); src = RLPF.ar(src, fFreq.lag(1), fRq); Splay.ar(src); }) )
maybe useful to mention that this example requires JITLibExtensions quark to be installed