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Re: Morphing Saw Bass
by grirgz on 14 Mar'16 22:29 inmy hobbit: adding random arrays of LFO everywhere (bonus: a glitch i don't know where it come from)
Morphing Saw Bass
by ecbeckmann on 13 Mar'16 11:45 inThis is a nice morphing saw bass, that uses multi-voice detuning and stereo expansion for a nice, wide feel, as well as a decaying low pass filter ove
In-App purchase
by grirgz on 11 Feb'16 18:46 inthe starting element of this track was the "piano" (named dru here) which is picking random notes from a scale then putting them at random time on a b
Notch Filter Experiment
by rumush on 10 Jan'16 10:37 inA couple functions that explore stacking BRFs in series with PinkNoise as a source.
GrainSin and Feedback
by rumush on 06 Jan'16 20:39 inA patch I made today that explores GrainSin with feedback with FreqShift and Allpass chain. Mess around with parameters, if you get something nice, le
Compander coded with ugens
by olaf on 06 Jan'16 14:58 inI am not sure if anybody else is interested in such a thing but i think it is cool be able to look inside the working of compander inside of SuperColl
experiments in detecting fast onsets with Amplitude UGens
by julian.rohrhuber on 19 Dec'15 20:57 inA series of consecutive experiments (all results visualised as plots) that try to detect onsets in a noisy signal.
Hats and Noise
by rumush on 26 Nov'15 20:42 inA couple of rhythmic noise generating functions. All based on the top one.
Chaos Ambient - Unfinished Piece
by rumush on 18 Nov'15 12:01 inA unfinished noise piece. Based on two chaotic UGens and some granularization.
Lost Among the Atoms - First Composition - Glitch/Ambient
by rumush on 16 Nov'15 20:44 inA composition for EP - Lost Among the Atoms
Pi sonification
by grirgz on 14 Nov'15 19:07 inIt take groups of 10 decimals from Pi and use each number as an index in arrays of patterns. If you are bored by pi, you can try other numbers
Glitch Routine - Basis for 'Lost Among the Atoms' SuperCollider EP
by rumush on 11 Nov'15 19:45 inRoutine that randomly changes parameters of the glitch function. It is a basis for one of the tracks for 'Lost Among the Atoms' Noise/Glitch EP
random patterns
by grirgz on 11 Nov'15 19:12 inthis generate very diverse compositions, tweaking is easy and change a lot the sounds generated, adding better synthdef can improve further the sound.
fm generated melody
by grirgz on 11 Nov'15 19:02 inI'm sure it's a well known technique, but I found this by accident and I'm amazed by the cool jazzy basslines generated from nowhere
Re: SCTweets
by rumush on 10 Nov'15 09:16 inA collection of glitch functions inspired by nathanielvirgo's tweet - You've opened a new world to me :) You can find his function at the very top.
Doppler Effect Composition
by rumush on 06 Nov'15 14:16 inAlmost finished composition based on Doppler Effect from 'Operators-Hypot' in the help file. It just needs a couple of finishing touches and a way to
Modulation sequencing
by grirgz on 01 Sep'15 22:24 inTwo simple ways to set a different modulation per step in a pattern