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by vividsnow on 07 Jan'12 02:40 in experimental background

background sound inspired by rukano [tweet](

My 2 tweets ...

by robertol80 on 22 Dec'11 17:56 in tweets

Simply my first SC tweet an one of its variants played together.


by redFrik on 13 Nov'11 13:42 in sequencing

i've also written a pattern class Pklee

reception: informative (1)interesting (1)

first step

by Luka P. on 22 Sep'11 22:43 in

something i did as one of my first playing around with SC. it's almost a nice chilled dance track made just with pulses and oscilators...

drum tweet

by Jonatan Liljedahl on 28 Aug'11 16:00 in sctweet drums

variation on one of the tweets by aucotsi:

reception: freaking awesome (1)

tweets more tweets

by aucotsi on 26 Aug'11 20:00 in sctweet


by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 in tweets sctweets

A hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to

reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)

endless fingers tapping in space

by Jascha Narveson on 13 Aug'11 02:27 in echo feedback spacey trippy repetitive sequential

an adventure in hi-fi cosmic stereo sound...

raw bass

by vividsnow on 09 Aug'11 10:34 in bass psy rhythmic

some initial thoughts on psytrance bassline

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