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Confetti 3a: Game of Life

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:38 in random graphics 1bit music conways game of life

It is relatively simple to convert Confetti3 ( )to John Conway's Game of Life. You just need to change the rules and make sure

Confetti 3

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:33 in random graphics 1bit music

Confetti 3 converts random patterns of blocks to more or less structured images. Every block will adapt to the predominant color in its surroundings,

sine ocean

by eli.fieldsteel on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in sine patterns random spatialization metal pure immersive

150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase


by Fredrik Olofsson on 14 Jan'14 22:54 in random tool

might be osx only

20140103_1504 (pluck piece)

by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 in random karpusstrong

New piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and

Fractal Noise

by Michael Dzjaparidze on 20 Sep'13 13:52 in noise random chaos fractal

This code generates fractal noise by cascading N first order filter sections. beta = 0 -> white noise, beta = 1 -> pink noise, beta = 2 -> brown noise


by grirgz on 09 Jul'13 21:37 in bass random

The Unfunky Drummer

by Schemawound on 30 May'13 19:02 in random unfunky drum chaos

The Unfunky Drummer - Insert samples, extract joy. Code by Jonathan Siemasko NOTE: Set values for ~synthDefToUse, ~rat

pluck birds in desert

by vividsnow on 31 Mar'13 16:40 in sketch experimental random wind

morning on Gliese 667Cb


by vividsnow on 23 May'12 22:20 in rhythmic experimental random endless

example outputs at [soundcloud](


by vividsnow on 19 Nov'11 17:45 in gui code fork sequencer random step

bulging version of [simple rand-n-step]( but with comments, which maybe helpful to reuse this stuff it seems, someday, it sh


by vividsnow on 15 Nov'11 01:28 in gui sequencer random step

simple gui step sequencer of PMOsc-based random instruments note: modify variables "dims" and "resolution" to change number of instruments/steps an

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