«Fragment IX» by coreyker
on 05 May'16 16:57 inCode to reproduce this piece: https://frankchannel.bandcamp.com/track/fragment-ix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
( /* Code to reproduce this piece: https://frankchannel.bandcamp.com/track/fragment-ix */ s.waitForBoot{ ~maxharm = 14; SynthDef(\textureSynth, { |freq=440, numharm=4, clip=1, amp=1, outbus=100| var out, src, env, amps; // mutes amps = {|i| i<numharm}!~maxharm; amps = amps.collect{|item, i| item/(i+1)}; // envelope env = EnvGen.ar(Env([0,1,0.5,0.1,0.01], [0.1,1,0.1,1], [1,-4,-4,-1]), timeScale:Rand(2,6), levelScale:0.5, doneAction:2); // source src = PinkNoise.ar(0.5); out = src * env; // filter out = RLPF.ar(out, (1..~maxharm)*freq, Rand(0.001, 0.01), mul:amps); out = Mix.new(out); // effects out = (out*2).tanh; out = out.clip2(clip); // spatialization out = Pan2.ar(out); Out.ar(outbus, amp * out); }).add; SynthDef(\bassSynth, { |freq, amp=1, timeScale=1, outbus=20| var m1 = SinOsc.ar(8, mul:freq*(1-(2**(0.2/12))), add:freq); var m2 = SinOsc.ar(2, mul:0.5, add:0.75); var e = EnvGen.ar(Env([0, 1, 0.05, 0], [0.1, 1, 1], [1,-2,-4]), timeScale:timeScale, doneAction:2); var o = e * Blip.ar(m1, 6, mul:m2); //var o = e * Pulse.ar(m1, 0.2, mul:m2); o = RLPF.ar(o, 8*freq, 0.25); Out.ar(outbus, Pan2.ar(amp * o)); }).add; SynthDef(\rev, {|inbus=0, outbus=0, roomsize=200, revtime=10, damping=0.5| var in = In.ar(inbus,2); var fx = GVerb.ar(in, roomsize, revtime, damping); Out.ar(outbus,fx); }).add; Server.default.sync; ~scale = [0,2,5,9,12,14]; ~root = 38+12; // ******** // sequence // ******** ~bassGroup = Group.new; ~bassVerb = Synth(\rev, [\inbus, 20, \revtime, 0.25], target:~bassGroup); ~bassPatA = Pbind(\instrument, \bassSynth, \freq, Pstutter(1, Pseq((26 + [0,2,5,9]).midicps,4)), \dur, 2, \timeScale, 2, \amp, 0.25, \group, ~bassGroup, \addActon, \addToHead); ~textGroup = Group.new; ~textVerb = Synth(\rev, [\inbus, 100, \revtime, 6], target:~textGroup); ~textPatA = Pbind(\instrument, \textureSynth, \pat, Prand((0..~scale.size-1),60), \freq, Pcollect({|i| (~root + ~scale[i]).midicps}, Pstutter(1,Pkey(\pat))), \numharm, Prand((1..4), inf), \dur, 1, \amp, 0.25, \clip, 1, \group, ~textGroup, \addAction, \addToHead); ~textPatB = Pbind(\instrument, \textureSynth, \pat, Prand((0..~scale.size-1),60), \freq, Pcollect({|i| (~root + ~scale[i]).midicps}, Pstutter(2,Pkey(\pat))), \numharm, Prand((4..8), inf), \dur, 1, \amp, 0.25, \clip, 0.5, \group, ~textGroup, \addAction, \addToHead); ~textPatC = Pbind(\instrument, \textureSynth, \pat, Prand((0..~scale.size-1),60), \freq, Pcollect({|i| (~root + ~scale[i]).midicps}, Pstutter(1,Pkey(\pat))), \numharm, Prand((8..14), inf), \dur, 1, \amp, 0.25, \clip, 0.25, \group, ~textGroup, \addAction, \addToHead); Pdef(\bass, Pseq([~bassPatA],8)).play; Pdef(\text, Pseq([~textPatA, ~textPatB, ~textPatC, ~textPatA], 1)).play; }; )
Thanks for sharing. Sounds great!
Excellent ! Thanks a lot. May I ask you what the \pat key is for ? I've never seen it before \pat, Prand((0..~scale.size-1),60),
\pat is just a made up name to assign a symbol to a pattern, which is latter referenced from Pkey. It's not really necessary here. You could just replace the Pstutter(2,Pkey(\pat)) with Pstutter(2,Prand((0..~scale.size-1),60)) and everything should work the same. Using PKey is sometimes useful though, if you want to re-use a pattern more than once, and perhaps multiply/add a factor to it.