«Granular Sampling GUI Demo 1» by Bruno Ruviaro
on 09 Sep'13 04:50 inGraphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (one sound file at a time).
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// ************************************ // Granular Synthesis Demo (GUI) // Patch 1 - Granular Sampling // Bruno Ruviaro, 2013-08-20 // ************************************ /* Use the "Open New File" button to load a WAVE or AIFF file. This granulator needs a mono file. If you open a stereo file, only the left channel will be actually used (though you will see both channels displayed on the Sound File View). Trigger: number of grains being triggered per second. Transp: rate of transposition in semitones. grainDur: duration of individual grains. Pan: distribution of grains in the stereo field (left / right). grainAmp: amplitude of individual grains. Reverse: probability of a grain to be played backwards (0-100%). Grains will be chosen randomly from anywhere within the selected portion of the sound file. You can select portions of the sound file in two different ways: a) directly on the waveform (click and drag); b) using the Selection Slider just below the waveform display. You can also zoom in and out the waveform with Shift + Right Click + Mouse Up/Down (Note: the selection slider will not follow the zoom. The slider always reflects the position of current selection in regard to the total duration of the file) How to start: select all (ctrl + A), then evaluate (ctrl + enter). (on a Mac, use the command key instead of control) If you want to have several windows open to granulate different sounds, comment out the lines Window.closeAll and Buffer.freeAll */ s.waitForBoot({ var win, soundFile, soundFileView, subwin, centerPosSlider, centerPosInSeconds, triggerSlider, transpSlider, transpToRate, durSlider, panSlider, ampSlider, reverseSlider, buffer, synth, startButton, openButton, selectionSpec; // FUNCTIONS // Convert transpSlider values (in semitones) // to rate values for TGrains (1 = no transp): transpToRate = {arg transp; transp.linexp(-24, 24, 0.25, 4)}; // Convert from centerPosSlider values (0-1) // to actual sound file position in seconds: centerPosInSeconds = { [ centerPosSlider.lo.linlin(0, 1, 0, soundFile.duration), centerPosSlider.hi.linlin(0, 1, 0, soundFile.duration) ] // returns an array [lo, hi] }; Window.closeAll; Buffer.freeAll; // Main window win = Window.new("Granular Sampling", Rect(50, 50, 600, 580), false).front; win.background = Color.grey(0.1, 0.9); win.onClose = {s.freeAll}; // Sound File View soundFileView = SoundFileView.new(win, Rect(30, 20, 540, 200)) // .soundfile_(soundFile) // .read(0, soundFile.numFrames) .gridOn_(false); // What to do when user selects portion of sound file directly // (i.e., on waveform, not using slider) soundFileView.mouseUpAction = {arg view; var loFrames, hiFrames, loSlider, hiSlider; loFrames = view.selection(0)[0]; hiFrames = view.selection(0)[1] + loFrames; loSlider = selectionSpec.unmap(loFrames); hiSlider = selectionSpec.unmap(hiFrames); 2.do{centerPosSlider.setSpanActive(loSlider, hiSlider)}; // 2.do = hack... }; // Open Button openButton = Button.new(win, Rect(460, 20, 110, 30)) .states_([["open new file", Color.black, Color.gray]]) .action_({ "HELLO".postln; // Stop whatever is playing s.freeAll; startButton.value = 0; Dialog.openPanel( okFunc: { |path| soundFile = SoundFile.new; soundFile.openRead(path); // Load sound into buffer buffer = Buffer.readChannel(s, path, channels: [0]); // Display sound on View soundFileView.soundfile_(soundFile); soundFileView.read(0, soundFile.numFrames); // ControlSpec (slider 0-1 <=> numFrames) selectionSpec = ControlSpec(0, soundFile.numFrames); // selectionSpec.postln; // Set initial selection on View soundFileView.setSelection(0, selectionSpec.map([0.1, 0.2])); // Update slider soundFileView.mouseUpAction.value(soundFileView); }, cancelFunc: {"cancelled"} ); }); // Sub view to group all sliders subwin = CompositeView.new(win, Rect(20, 225, 560, 360)) // .background_(Color.red(0.4)) ; subwin.decorator = FlowLayout(subwin.bounds, margin: 0@0, gap: 5@10); centerPosSlider = RangeSlider(subwin, 560@50) .lo_(0.1) .hi_(0.3) .action_({ |v| var lo, hi, size; lo = selectionSpec.map(v.lo); hi = selectionSpec.map(v.hi); size = hi - lo; soundFileView.setSelection(0, [lo, size]); if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set( \centerPosLo, centerPosInSeconds.value[0], \centerPosHi, centerPosInSeconds.value[1])}); // ["uau", v.lo, v.hi, lo, hi].postln; }); triggerSlider = EZRanger( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "Trigger ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: 0.5, maxval: 50, warp: 'exp', step: 0.1, units: " t/s"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set(\triggerLo, v.lo, \triggerHi, v.hi)})}, initVal: [1, 2], labelWidth: 60, unitWidth: 30) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); transpSlider = EZRanger( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "Transp ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: -24, // two octaves below maxval: 24, // two octaves above warp: 'lin', step: 1, // step by semitones units: " ST"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, { synth.set( \rateLo, transpToRate.value(v.lo), \rateHi, transpToRate.value(v.hi))})}, initVal: [0, 0], labelWidth: 60, unitWidth: 30) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); durSlider = EZRanger( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "grainDur ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: 0.1, maxval: 2, warp: 'lin', step: 0.1, units: "sec"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set(\durLo, v.lo, \durHi, v.hi)})}, initVal: [0, 0], labelWidth: 70, unitWidth: 30) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); panSlider = EZRanger( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "Pan ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: -1, maxval: 1, warp: 'lin', step: 0.1, units: "L/R"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set(\panLo, v.lo, \panHi, v.hi)})}, initVal: [0, 0], labelWidth: 60, unitWidth: 30) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); ampSlider = EZRanger( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "grainAmp ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: 0.0, maxval: 1, warp: 'lin', step: 0.01, units: "amp"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set(\ampLo, v.lo, \ampHi, v.hi)})}, initVal: [0.2, 0.4], labelWidth: 73, unitWidth: 35) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); reverseSlider = EZSlider( parent: subwin, bounds: 560@30, label: "Reverse ", controlSpec: ControlSpec( minval: 0, maxval: 100, warp: 'lin', step: 1, units: "%"), action: {|v| if(startButton.value==1, {synth.set(\reverseProb, v.value/100)}); }, initVal: 0.0, labelWidth: 63, unitWidth: 35) .setColors(Color.grey,Color.white, Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow); startButton = Button.new(subwin, 560@40) .states_([["START"], ["STOP", Color.black, Color.gray]]) .action_({arg button; if(button.value==1, { synth = Synth("granular-sampling", [ \triggerLo, triggerSlider.lo, \triggerHi, triggerSlider.hi, \rateLo, transpToRate.value(transpSlider.lo), \rateHi, transpToRate.value(transpSlider.hi), \centerPosLo, centerPosInSeconds.value[0], \centerPosHi, centerPosInSeconds.value[1], \durLo, durSlider.lo, \durHi, durSlider.hi, \panLo, panSlider.lo, \panHi, panSlider.hi, \ampLo, ampSlider.lo, \ampHi, ampSlider.hi, \reverseProb, reverseSlider.value, \bufnum, buffer.bufnum]); }, {synth.free}); }); // SynthDef SynthDef("granular-sampling", { arg triggerLo, triggerHi, rateLo, rateHi, centerPosLo, centerPosHi, durLo, durHi, panLo, panHi, ampLo, ampHi, reverseProb, bufnum; var trig, trigFreqMess, rate, centerPos, dur, pan, amp, coin, reverse, snd; // var bufdur = BufDur.kr(buffer); trigFreqMess = LFNoise2.kr(12).range(0.5, 1); trig = Impulse.kr(LFNoise0.kr(trigFreqMess).range(triggerLo, triggerHi)); rate = Dwhite(rateLo, rateHi); centerPos = Dwhite(centerPosLo, centerPosHi); dur = Dwhite(durLo, durHi); pan = Dwhite(panLo, panHi); amp = Dwhite(ampLo, ampHi); coin = CoinGate.kr(reverseProb, trig); reverse = Select.kr(coin, [1, -1]); // reverse.poll(trig); Demand.kr(trig, 0, [rate, centerPos, dur, pan, amp]); snd = TGrains.ar( numChannels: 2, trigger: trig, bufnum: bufnum, rate: rate * reverse, centerPos: centerPos, dur: dur, pan: pan, amp: amp); Out.ar(0, snd); }).add; }); // end of block
this is cool, thanks for sharing
dear Bruno,
thanks for the code. Unfortunately I am getting on SC3.8 Windows 10 the error:
unmatched '}' in file 'selected text' line 1 char 1 ERROR: syntax error, unexpected BADTOKEN, expecting $end in file 'selected text' line 1 char 1:
}); // end of block ^
would you know how to fix? thanks a lot!
so amazing on drum loops
@Martin only now saw your message here, not sure what the error was. Did you select all (control + A) before running the code with control + Enter?
This code shows useful ways of doing with granular synthesis. Thanks!