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Graphic illustration of granular time-stretching

by jamshark70 on 26 Apr'15 09:39 in granular synthesis techniques pedagogy

Graphically represents a small set of granular windows, with variable offset. Move the "ratio" slider, and you can see and hear time stretching.

reception: graphics instructional (1)

Generative jazz

by Devi Skanadze on 24 Nov'14 10:51 in jazz algorithm rythm generative morse euclidean thue

download drum loop:

Spectrum and Spectrogram of a sound file

by jcc on 07 Nov'14 23:30 in spectrum spectrogram

Calculates and plots the spectrum at any position in a sound file (only reads one channel). Displays the spectrogram of a selected segment of a sound

reception: great and useful (1)

In Divisions - Midterm: Plunderphonics with Granular Sampling (musc-9-plunderphonics)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:40 in electronic supercollider code granular granular synthesis sampling granular sampling musc9plunderphonics underoath ardour plunderphonics music computer

This track was created using SuperCollider and using granular sampling. The sampled track is In Division (Toxic Avenger Remix) by Underoath. The sampl


by Devi Skanadze on 23 Sep'14 19:56 in ambient

example fft sc->processing v2

by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 Aug'14 00:21 in processing

an extended version of this one sends 3 streams of spectral data at the same time - high, mid and low filtered. note: quite

reception: useful (1)


by tigges-p on 12 Aug'14 20:32 in sampler glitch

Hey guys! I used this code on my first release and some people asked for a look on it. It's basically a PlayBuf UGen whose arguments are modulated t

Re: The Sounds of Fibonacci

by ttsesmetzis on 18 Mar'14 17:42 in code fork mathematics research

Pisano periods for rythmic patterns.

The Sounds of Fibonacci

by henk.lasschuit on 16 Mar'14 16:37 in mathematics research

Pisano Periods for the numbers 2 to 1000 converted to sounds

UPIC waveform editor

by snappizz on 12 Feb'14 00:21 in gui xenakis editor upic theremin

A fun little GUI toy emulating a freehand waveform editor as seen in Iannis Xenakis' UPIC software. Draw on the graph to edit an oscillator's waveform

Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine

by nathan on 01 Feb'14 18:26 in sampler aleatoric

This piece is a demonstration of the Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine, a project I am working on to explore possible interfaces between human and non-hum

Draw your waveform feat. silly pattern player

by rukano on 29 Jan'14 10:34 in drawing waveform

A short demonstration how to change values in a buffer from a GUI. Also some presets added, because the mouse precision is not very good if you intend

reception: gui (1)

20140103_1504 (pluck piece)

by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 in random karpusstrong

New piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and

tweets again

by aucotsi on 13 Nov'13 14:12 in sctweet tweets

Sound file chunks: Workaround for single-precision buffer indexing

by jamshark70 on 07 Nov'13 03:19 in buffer utility long bufrd chunks incremental

One of the common questions on the list is about handling very large sound files with BufRd. BufRd indexes into the buffer using a single-precision fl

Beat slicer

by Brusli on 22 Oct'13 12:09 in beat slicer pitch shifter time stretch

beat slicer

Example of morphing (interpolating) between two Signals/Wavetables

by totalgee on 12 Oct'13 18:24 in interpolate morph

This is in response to a question on sc-users, with subject: [Envelope as signal](http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.n

Sampling Demo with QuNeo - Patch 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:25 in playback sampling quneo

Each QuNeo pad triggers a different sound file. Horizontal axis controls pitch bend (off by default). Play/Stop buttons control looping. Allows use of

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