«Feedback with beats» by rukano
on 10 Aug'11 17:12 inTrying out some stuff to get some melodies/pads out of feedback and some beats in the background.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ndef(\a, { var src, loc, delay=0.01; src = Decay2.ar(Impulse.ar(1/8), LFNoise2.kr(4).range(0.001, 0.0001), LFNoise2.kr(4).range(0.005, 0.05))!2 * Saw.ar(LFNoise2.kr(4).exprange(40, 4000)); loc = BPF.ar(LocalIn.ar(2) + [src, 0], LFNoise0.kr(1/4).range(100, 1200).lag, 3.2); loc = GVerb.ar(loc, 100, 4, mul:0.02, add:loc); loc = Compander.ar(loc, loc, 0.9, 1, 0.001); loc = (loc * 0.501).tanh; loc = Compander.ar(loc, loc, 0.1, 1, 0.1); loc = DelayC.ar(loc, delay * 2, delay * 1); LocalOut.ar(loc.reverse * 0.49); Out.ar(0, loc * 0.9) }).play; Ndef(\b, { var src, loc, del; del = 1/100; src = Decay2.ar(TDuty.ar(1/4,0,Dseq([1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1],inf)), LFNoise2.kr(4).range(0.001, 0.0001), LFNoise2.kr(4).range(0.005, 0.05))!2 * Saw.ar(LFNoise2.kr(200).exprange(40, 14000)); loc = BPF.ar(LocalIn.ar(2) + [src, 0], LFNoise2.kr(0.1).range(40, 400), 3.2); loc = GVerb.ar(loc, 100, 4, mul:0.02, add:loc); loc = Compander.ar(loc, loc, 0.9, 1, 0.001); loc = (loc * 0.51).tanh; loc = Compander.ar(loc, loc, 0.1, 1, 0.1); loc = DelayC.ar(loc, del * 2, del * 1); LocalOut.ar(loc.reverse * 0.45); Out.ar(0, Compander.ar(loc,loc,0.1, 1, 0.05) * 1.2) }).play; Ndef(\c, { var src, loc, del=1/4; src = Decay2.ar(Impulse.ar(1), 0.0001, 0.05) * SinOsc.ar(60); loc = src + LocalIn.ar(2); loc = BPF.ar(loc, 800, 3.2).softclip; loc = DelayN.ar(loc, del, [0, del]); LocalOut.ar(loc.reverse * 0.99); Out.ar(0, loc * 2) }).play;
full graph
«Re: Feedback with beats» by Don Smith (private)
cool, i listened for half an hour while reading. sometimes it seemed like a and b were influencing each other. (you have to believe in magic)
strange, this plays for a while and then suddenly ... no more sound (just wondering how you can listen to it for half an hour ...)
... sorry, don't get me wrong. i didn't want to seem impolite ... this is happening on macintel (core duo) os 10.6.8, 64bit (os + sc)
Hm, it works for me also indefinitely. Are you using a custom SC or official stable release? I wrote this on 3.4.4 and works for long periods of time... Sorry it won't work for you... Maybe some weird magic happening in the feedback on your machine...? No idea... :(
well, sc 3.5~dev version ...
If you can try it on 3.4.4 and we figure out what isn't working, we might report as bug or so...?
Sounds like a palm-muted guitar string. "b" is particularly intense.
One of my favorites posted here so far.